Simon and Garfinkel.... hey, who cares...


Well-Known Member
as previously mentioned , or asserted, topics of converstation, mixed with spellcheck seem to rambler on in vicarious direction(s).

Its wacky Saturday, depending on your time zone... so feel free to take a slab at it:

1) Cross a diamond with a pearl

2) Numbah 9, Numbah 9, Numbah 9, the wahh toosi...

3) Larry says Maryland's Governor Primary winner Mr. Cox is nutz....(Grab em!)...

4) a bag of mulch weighs more than 40 pounds if its wet....


the poor dad
Did you know you can put a paper clip thru a $100 bill without puncturing the paper?



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Did you know in St. Louis it’s illegal for firemen to rescue naked women?

:cds: :cds: