Well-Known Member
I'm teaching my kids how to write in cursive. Here's a neat website that I found to create my own worksheets for them: Make Beautiful Cursive Handwriting Worksheets
Yeah, it's kinda shocking to me that they don't teach cursive beyond the basics, and my kid has gone to 3 elementary schools in 3 different states with the same policy. I don't write in cursive beyond signing my name but I don't think it should be nixed altogether. Just more time for standardized testing prep I guess.
When I was in elementary school we learned cursive in 2nd (maybe 3rd?) grade and all assignments had to be completed in cursive through 5th grade. My son learned the basics in 3rd grade - it was stressed more in NC but when we moved to MD halfway through 3rd grade they worked on it a little. Nothing in 4th grade and now we're in VA for 5th grade with no mention of cursive. Oh well.They are teaching my 4th grader cursive.
Good penmanship is, and always has been, an art form. My FIL had beautiful penmanship. Even the hubby has better penmanship than I do. I think catholic schools used to beat it into the students.
I agree, I have terrible handwriting, and I'm left handed so if it's anything more than a line or 2 it smears. I hope my kiddo isn't a lefty.
Hubbies a south paw, too. He has learned how to avoid smudging.
Spelling too.It also seems that they dont teach words that sound the same with different spelling, like where or wear. Good grammar has definatly gone away.
It's a waste of time. It went the way of the abacus.
It also seems that they dont teach words that sound the same with different spelling, like where or wear. Good grammar has definatly gone away.
How do you sign your name unless you learn cursive?
Not so much that, but how can the adults of tomorrow read things like the Constitution? Or any other historical document? It bothers me that we are dumbing down kids.
Good for you Socki!