Since When


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Did Whoopi become a host of The View?

No booing or throwing tomatoes. I don't watch daytime TV, per the norm, and I was just surprised.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Airing right now is a couple - the daddy having a baby thing - it just isn't settling right on my stomach. :dead: A woman married a man who used to be a woman (transitioning to manhood minus the complete sex change) has carried their baby. The woman had a hysterectomy and cannot carry, but CAN breastfeed! And they're pregnant with the second baby now - the dad is pregnant, that is, again. :confused: If it sounds confusing, well.... tell them to make up their mind and I'll get it straight!


And they were talking about being a normal, happy family! :killingme