Single Sensors

"Single Sensors" Make Hooking Up Easier | NBC Washington

People who wear the "Friend Finder" can program the device with their likes, dislikes and interests. If another "Friend Finder" wearer with similar characteristics is nearby, a series of red LED lights flash on the device, indicating potential compatibility.

The new media students at the university are still working out the kinks on the Friend Finder device.

:lol: Yeah, like what happens if 2 guys have the same likes and this thing starts flashing.... :lmao:


I'm sure if you can program likes and dislikes, you can program orientation. Seems like a cool idea. I wonder if it goes off when it finds someone you'll hate.
I'm sure if you can program likes and dislikes, you can program orientation. Seems like a cool idea. I wonder if it goes off when it finds someone you'll hate.

Yeah, I'm sure that's in the profile setup....

BUT, it could actually be the worlds first working Gaydar.....

Ok, take that another social step.... you're not gay, but program your device to say you are. The beeper goes off, and you pummel the cr*p out of the gay guy. It could be used in a very anti-social way.

I'm of the belief that putting too much info out there for random people to find is a bad thing.