skin after baby..


Dream Stealer
Anyone else's skin freak out after pregnancy/nursing

I have always had really dry skin..but since I started using philosophy products my skin was has always been pretty clear..and I am quite fair. Now all of the sudden after monster and nursing my skin has gone to hell..its dry despite thick moisturizer, covered in bumps, rough, and so red people think I have a sunburn...

Is this a normal hormone type deal (which the docs love to blame) ? I am trying to decide if its a common skin change after pregnancy, or if maybe I am allergic to something (though nothing I use on my face has changed..I even tried changing my new shampoo back to the old one..didnt help)

I will probably make a derm appt..but dont want to be embarassed if she tells me its hormones and sends me on my


Well-Known Member
your hormones will be all wacky for the first couple of months so it really could be just that. It never hurts to make an appointment w/ a dermatologist though.


New Member
First, congrats on your baby. Second, sounds like hormonal changes to me. Unfortunately, you'll just have to ride through it. However, I would recommend pure african shea butter from Beauty spot(by the counter) That will help some ( it helped me and I have used this product for 15 years now). Just apply it after a shower. you'll have to put a little bit in your hands rub it till its liquified then apply. If you have any other questions about the Shea butter, PM me, i'll be happy to answer.

Also, Facials will help the bumps. I would recommend Laurie at Lauries Personal Touch 410-414-3166. She is in Huntingtown worth the trip.


Cleopatra Jones
My youngest will be 7 in Aug and my skin still isn't like it was pre babe. I had SUPER clear skin (barely a blemish even during PMS) that was a tad on the dry side but not bad at all. After the babe it's oily as all get out and it would frequently break out. Since using progesterone cream for other reasons the breakouts have cleared but it's still fairly oily.

My hair use to be super thick and straight. Now it's wavy and much thiner.



no longer CalvertNewbie
My youngest will be 7 in Aug and my skin still isn't like it was pre babe. I had SUPER clear skin (barely a blemish even during PMS) that was a tad on the dry side but not bad at all. After the babe it's oily as all get out and it would frequently break out. Since using progesterone cream for other reasons the breakouts have cleared but it's still fairly oily.

My hair use to be super thick and straight. Now it's wavy and much thiner.


Amazing what pregnancy can do to our bodies, ugh.

Luckily my skin didn't change during pregnancy or after giving birth. But my hair has gotten thinner and it's freaking me out a little. My son turned 2 in March yet my hair is still coming out much more than it used to. My dermo said it's a side effect that many mothers have to deal with and that it's normal. I feel like I'm gonna be bald if this keeps up! :cds:


Active Member

Amazing what pregnancy can do to our bodies, ugh.

Luckily my skin didn't change during pregnancy or after giving birth. But my hair has gotten thinner and it's freaking me out a little. My son turned 2 in March yet my hair is still coming out much more than it used to. My dermo said it's a side effect that many mothers have to deal with and that it's normal. I feel like I'm gonna be bald if this keeps up! :cds:

I went BALD on the right side of the forehead area after having my first baby. It was so bad, that I had to wear a Bandana for awhile. This was back in the early 70's, when it was ok to wear them. It was hormonal per the Doctor, and it eventually grew back, but I had to cut off about 2 feet of hair so that the spot was not so noticeable. I continued to take Pre-Natal Vitamins, and found that I also had a Thyroid Condition that was undiagnosed until then. Give yourself a good scalp message here & there, to get the blood circulating there. Good Luck!


Active Member
Hmm I was actually the opposite! All through pregnancy had to load the moisturizer on or else my face looked like it was going to flake off. Haven't had to use any since a month or two after I had baby.

Just wait for the changes in your fingernails. I have a ridge growing out on all of mine (well, only the thumb nails now, the rest already grew out), a lot thicker from when I was pregnant!

Was also quite a shocker when I started shedding again. Had totally forgotten about that. Going to have to go invest in some drain cleaning stuff soon!


Cleopatra Jones
Hmm I was actually the opposite! All through pregnancy had to load the moisturizer on or else my face looked like it was going to flake off. Haven't had to use any since a month or two after I had baby.

Just wait for the changes in your fingernails. I have a ridge growing out on all of mine (well, only the thumb nails now, the rest already grew out), a lot thicker from when I was pregnant!

Was also quite a shocker when I started shedding again. Had totally forgotten about that. Going to have to go invest in some drain cleaning stuff soon!

Pre kid #2 my fingernails grew fast but were super thin and brittle. Now they're super strong.


New Member
Clinique carries a few products that reduce redness, although I forgot the exact names; I used them in conjunction with a redness cream they had to cover it while it was healing.
How long ago did you deliver?


Active Member
My face broke out immediately after I gave birth, but cleared up really fast. Nails and hair have never been healthier than when I was pregnant. Dr. said it was hormones.

If I were you, I'd either check with my DR or a dermatologist since it sounds like yours has beengoing on for awhile.