Skins Fans


off the shelf
Peter Forsberg said:
Where are you? :elaine:

they are all nice and warm under their skins comforter in their bed with the matching set of skins sheets and pillow cases....after all it is past their bedtimes

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Right here...

Peter Forsberg said:
Where are you? :elaine:

...wallowing in self pity, disillusionment and simmering ambivalence.

Todays Post, sports section. NOT ONE WORD of the Skins on the front page. This has NEVER happened this time of year, that I recall, NEVER. Hell, it's rare in the offseason there isn't SOMETHING.

Worse yet, not a word, unless I overlooked it, not ONE word in the entire section about our hero's.

It's a bye week, yes. They are all gone, the players, for 4 days, yes, but nothing? NOTHING?


This is getting horrible.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not really...

Softballkid said:
Campbell has been taking the majority of the snaps with the 1st string O this week... That is news :yay:

Gibbs said a month ago, if there is time, Campbell is the guy. Mark's hurt, so, Campbell gets the reps. If it's an emergency, Collins goes.

Mark will be fine come Dallas and will start. There was NO excuse for Brunell playing the end of last year, the Cards, Philly and the playoffs. His poor play and health stood out. Right now, he's doing as well as last year and everything else is FUBAR, the D, injuries, kickers....
