Skins Preseason Summary...

Larry Gude

Strung Out's finally OVER.

Portis is hurt. Probably gonna bother him all season.

Springs is hurt. There is no reason to expect him in top form for at least the first 3 games, call it 5.

Griffin has a knee sprain and they have a way of hampering people for some time.

I guess we're lucky that's it. The O line is in one piece; that means a lot.

Campbell got no significant time with the first team. Collins, Mr. 12 years/17 starts, got it going against all the guys the Ravens are cutting this weekend. If/when Brunell goes down, it's OJT time.

I'd prefer not to hear the word 'vanilla' for awhile and I can do without hearing about the 4 preseason loss Superbowl team, the one that went 8-1, in the strike year nor do I care to think about the Steelers no first team TD's of last preseason. They were 15-1 the year before.

Hall looks like...Hall. Frost, I guess, was scared into playing well. The rest of Danny Smith's guys look mediocre, at best.

We've got more RB's than pages in the play book.

Saunders and Williams seem pleased as punch with the hell of packages and schemes and Neopolitan they are going to rain down on an unsuspecting NFL.

I am not confident.

Did I miss anything?


Nothing to see here
I refuse to worry bout pre-season, all they are doing is evaluating players, wins/losses/points/giving up points mean absolutely nothing in preseason.


Set Trippin
otter said:
I refuse to worry bout pre-season, all they are doing is evaluating players, wins/losses/points/giving up points mean absolutely nothing in preseason.

***ding*** fries are done.....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's right...

otter said:
I refuse to worry bout pre-season, all they are doing is evaluating players, wins/losses/points/giving up points mean absolutely nothing in preseason.

...why, it means less than nothing! 16-0, here we come!


You're all F'in Mad...
Hey Larry - what do you make of Gibb's backup plan? Collins finishes, Campbell starts?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Oz said:
Hey Larry - what do you make of Gibb's backup plan? Collins finishes, Campbell starts?'s Joe Gibbs plan; it is the best possible plan.

It makes sense if you take Gibbs analysis at face value; Collins showed him REAL stuff, something inside, by the way he whacked around them 11 guys from the Ravens the other day, the ones who are all looking for jobs right now. Based on that, Collins is the fireman, the sudden emergency guy.

The second part, giving Jason a weeks prep if they know Mark is out, well, that's great too!

If one continues to take Gibbs at face value, that practice has gone just WONFERFUL and they've seen all these good things in preseason, all of this is moot anyway; he's running the show, preseaon and any QB rotation, expecting Mark to play all season.

I'm excited for the season to start, but, as far as Gibbs II and his handling of the QB's...whatever.


You're all F'in Mad...
Seems like a good plan - allowing both QB's to perform better. If Collins is the fireman, then that's a big load off of Campbell's shoulders. And the good thing is it sounds like we will see Campbell this season! Then again, I would expect Collins to be our starter if he finished a game and wins it. We shall see...


You're all F'in Mad...
Larry Gude said:
...the subjective question...

Really what it does is reduce the pressure on Campbell. I think if Collins performs and wins a game for the Redskins in relief, he would get the start next week unless Brunell recovers. I think that's the unspoken part of the QB picture, which is why neither QB seemed too happy about the pecking order.