Skins vs. Bretts...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...another good looking show by the offense.

Jason ran into his first adversity this game, not getting a score and looking a bit wild with a couple of passes, like he did so often last year. He's not 100% ready yet.

Mason looks fantastic.

Jansen is, at this point, simply a healthy body that knows the system. He's gotten beat a couple of times every game so far. He does not look so good.
However, if he stays healthy, that's good enough for this year.

Good to see Rocky and Carlos on the field. They both got beat on big plays, but, hey, it's all about getting them into game shape now...without getting hurt.

I got sick when Randy hobbled off.

Marcus looks like he's ready to roll.

The D line looked active and aggresive.

Kareem Moore is probably a long shot, but he got in a nice lick on Cotchery.

Brennan is gonna play in this league.

Oh, and the Packers are still IDIOTS. :lol:


Boy HATES Campbell. He sits here groaning and complaining. :lol:

Brennan better make this team. If they cut him he will make them pay. If not next year, soon.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It is...

Boy HATES Campbell. He sits here groaning and complaining. :lol:

Brennan better make this team. If they cut him he will make them pay. If not next year, soon. view that Zorn will not wait very long if Jason struggles. The era of Gibbs and his pet players is over, I think. So, Boy might get his wish to see someone else...but it'll be Collins first off the bench.

There is no way Brennan makes us better at this point. No way. Jason has had one iffy outing in three and has, obviously, yet to have a whole game to see how he does over 8-10 possessions in this offense.

I do see Colt making the team, however.


Repete view that Zorn will not wait very long if Jason struggles. The era of Gibbs and his pet players is over, I think. So, Boy might get his wish to see someone else...but it'll be Collins first off the bench.

There is no way Brennan makes us better at this point. No way. Jason has had one iffy outing in three and has, obviously, yet to have a whole game to see how he does over 8-10 possessions in this offense.

I do see Colt making the team, however.

Devine is a Zorn "brought with" so it is between him and Brennan for #3. Unless they decide to carry 4 QB's but that is not going to happen.

Someone has to go.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I understand...

Devine is a Zorn "brought with" so it is between him and Brennan for #3. Unless they decide to carry 4 QB's but that is not going to happen.

Someone has to go.

...that and Devine doesn't look bad at all. However, the kid, Colt, is scoring points and making throws. He won the game last night. Bad throw, but, hey, it ain't about how. It's how many.

Zorn is a QB guy. Collins got hurt last night. Maybe Zorn finds a way to keep four. If not, I think Brennan is #3. Besides, how can you keep a guy with a name that sounds like a bad porn star name, Derek Devine? :lol:


Football addict
...that and Devine doesn't look bad at all. However, the kid, Colt, is scoring points and making throws. He won the game last night. Bad throw, but, hey, it ain't about how. It's how many.

Zorn is a QB guy. Collins got hurt last night. Maybe Zorn finds a way to keep four. If not, I think Brennan is #3. Besides, how can you keep a guy with a name that sounds like a bad porn star name, Derek Devine? :lol:
Brennan will be #3 this year with the possibility of moving up to #2 next year. Zorn just doesn't like 'all' of his throws.

I hope you're kidding about Devine though. If you've watched the last three games he's been a hand-off specialist. Before last night he passed five times for one completion. The first pass he attempted last night was picked off in triple coverage. He's going the way of Sam Hollenbach. The team has more invested in Colt Brennan being as he's a draft pick and Devine is only an undrafted free agent.

Mason looked awesome and should make the 53 man roster again like last year. Rock is a special teamer who dances around too much as a running back when he's in the trenches. If he's able to dance around for long enough and find that crease then you get 70-some yards.:yay: Betts and Thomas just have some knicks and sprains, no biggie.

The offense looked the worse it has been in all three games and yet they were still able to move the ball at will at times. Neat offense. Campbell seemeed to be throwing higher than normal tonight.

Suisham has become an amazing kickoff specialist getting the ball into the endzone on every kickoff, a feat not seen last year. He still hasn't missed in the meadowlands playing the Giants and Jets last year and now Jets this year. Durrant Brooks is a keeper, sorry Frosty.

What do you think about Mangenious going for the tie?:ohwell:


Big Wheelin'
watched the replay of the field goal and laughed. Why go for the tie in a preseason game. This is where you find out how good you are on a last minute play for the win. Went for the tie and Boink! :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think...

What do you think about Mangenious going for the tie?:ohwell:

...his first thought was "Test kicker in tense situation" and his second thought, after he'd made the call, was "####! We don't want no stinking OT!"

I think he had a brain fart. He should have gone for the win.