Skip Dr. Disc Repair System

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I bought it at BJ's and just used it to repair my Spyro Gyra CD. The system was very easy to use and the CD plays perfectly now. :banana:

The CD has been in my car CD changer constantly for 5 years (obsessed with them, yes I am :lol: ) and took a few hits while playing so 3 songs were skipping. It took all of about 5 minutes to do the repairs. The system says it can repair up to 150 discs, so I'm all set for awhile. It also does DVD's, discs for computer games, and digital photo discs. I definitely give it a big :yay: and it cost only about $20.


Princess of Mean
By your headline, in the negative world I live in, I thought you meant I should "skip" as in avoid "Dr. Disk" I'll have to give that stuff a try. I've worn out my um....very cool *cough*Buffy The Vampire Slayer*cough* CD.


New Member
yep, as long as the metal part of the cd hasn't been damaged, Skip doctor works awesome! I've had one for about 5 years now. It's repaired MANY a CD to amazing results.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Ponytail said:
yep, as long as the metal part of the cd hasn't been damaged, Skip doctor works awesome! I've had one for about 5 years now. It's repaired MANY a CD to amazing results.

Alcoholic stupified

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jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I figured 'what the hay' since I would have to buy a new CD anyway for about the same price I paid for the system if it didn't work. It was just surface scratches probably from rough roads while playing in the car.

I listened to it last night on the CD player in my computer and it was fine. I put it back in the CD changer and played it on the way to work this morning with nary a skip. :yay:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
Yo Jazz... did it fix the "Alternative Kwillia" CD...:shrug:
I left it at work over the weekend. :banghead: Thanks for the reminder. I just put it in my purse and will try to repair it tonight. :yay:


New Member
RoseRed said:
Alcoholic stupified

Member Since: Mar 2003
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I know, I'm doomed. On Friday I completed an expense report for a total of 666.00

My bank balance today was all 6's (Thankfully not 6.66).

And now 6660 posts. Great. Goodbye cruel world! Nice meeting you all.

If I was really superstitious I might really be worried.


I bowl overhand
jazz lady said:
I bought it at BJ's and just used it to repair my Spyro Gyra CD. The system was very easy to use and the CD plays perfectly now. :banana:

The CD has been in my car CD changer constantly for 5 years (obsessed with them, yes I am :lol: ) and took a few hits while playing so 3 songs were skipping. It took all of about 5 minutes to do the repairs. The system says it can repair up to 150 discs, so I'm all set for awhile. It also does DVD's, discs for computer games, and digital photo discs. I definitely give it a big :yay: and it cost only about $20.
Be VERY careful.. I had to charge some people for movies when I worked at the movie store.. they RUINED the DVD's when they didn't follow the directions...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Be VERY careful.. I had to charge some people for movies when I worked at the movie store.. they RUINED the DVD's when they didn't follow the directions...
I can see where that could happen. A lot of people don't even LOOK at the directions, but I thoroughly read them first before I even start. :nerd: