


Good morning everyone! I need an opinion and knowing how opinionated all of us are thought I'd ask. We had three baby skunks roaming about the yard several weeks ago. They were a good distance from the house and no one ever detected an odor.
Two of them have since disappeared. The third moved to the front yard, which is huge, close to a quarter of a mile, so again it really wasn't bothering anyone. I passed him everyone morning grubbing around the yard. Yesterday, when I got home I saw my upstairs neighbor (who shall remain nameless, but let's just call him baby animal killer) (you see where I'm going with this), watching the skunk from the back seat of his truck (goofy girlfriend was in the drivers seat). After I passed him, I went to the window and watched him pull out a rifle and shoot it. The body is still out there this morning. question is - if you shoot it shouldn't you remove it. (For some reason dead animals anywhere give me the dry heaves). Anxiously awaiting your comments.....


My Sweetest Boy
Your yard? I'd call the cops...neighbor killed my pet skunk. :loser: Isn't there a law about discharging a firearm w/i so many feet/yards of a house?


33 yrs & we r still n luv
Originally posted by cattitude
Isn't there a law about discharging a firearm w/i so many feet/yards of a house? [/B]

certainly is such a law! Call Harold Young!!


What a dweeb. He needs to be on the receiving end of the rifle. What the hell do people think these days. There was no need to kill that animal. My Dad taught me that if I shoot something I better eat it.


Animal control tells me they only remove from the roads, not from people's front yards. And it's not my property. I live in a big house that's been divided into four apartments. Who's Harold Young? My mom just called the buzzards are circling. Do any of you know anybody that does birthday cakes south of the base?
(way off the subject) Isn't that kid a jerk? I read someplace that eventually skunks move off, kill bugs, grubs, lots of useful things. He was really kind of cute.


Well-Known Member
Place a clothes pin on your nose and deliver the dead baby to his door step, truck seat or mail box with an a note that states very clearly that this WILL NEVER happen again......What an ass killing for the fun of it, makes me sick. I am an avid deer hunter too.


The Smart Hooker
People like that really piss me off.

For some reason we have skunks coming into our yard too. Usually they just mind their own business and go on their way. My husband (not being very bright) has even went out there and chased them out of the front yard and they haven't ever sprayed either.

If I were in your shoes, I would call the Sherrifs Department and Animal Control. I have had to deal with Animal Control before with one of my neighbors dogs being mistreated and they were right on the case.

Hope that helps!!!!


Fabulous idea bonehead! (with all due respect) Wish I had thought of it last night while it was a fresh kill- I think mother nature is taking care of the carcess (sp?) for me, but I'll think I'll print up these responses and post it on his door tonight.


My Sweetest Boy
Now that I think of it...

We had a rather large doe in our back yard that was dead. I called DNR to find out what to do. Yep, died in our yard, we were responsible. A very large hole....lots of digging...:frown:

HOWEVER, since it was NOT hunting season at the time, they were very interested to know if she'd been shot, wanted to know if we could see any gunshot wounds and to call them back if we did and they would notify the police.


Oh really Cattitude. Maybe that's because there are seasons and there are seasons. According to what I read last night skunks are always in season. By the way cat lover that you are, I have fed a female stray that lives in the barn out back for years now and she's been pregnant several times, I never see her kittens. I wonder if he's gotten gun happy with them too. Let's string him up just based on speculation!!! (I love mother nature, it's people I can't stand)


33 yrs & we r still n luv
Originally posted by Dixie
Who's Harold Young? Do any of you know anybody that does birthday cakes south of the base?
(way off the subject)

Harold young is one of the sheriffs in the county. Just threw his name out there because I know him (used to be neighbors).

Call Raleys in ridge. Not sure if they do cakes or not. Why does it have to be south of the base???????


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by cattitude
Now that I think of it...

We had a rather large doe in our back yard that was dead. I called DNR to find out what to do. Yep, died in our yard, we were responsible. A very large hole....lots of digging...:frown:

HOWEVER, since it was NOT hunting season at the time, they were very interested to know if she'd been shot, wanted to know if we could see any gunshot wounds and to call them back if we did and they would notify the police.

We had a rabbit keel over in our yard. B called me at work to ask me why it died. Um hello McFly am I there to look at it? He said it was full grown with no apparent trauma. I said "ummm maybe natural causes..." He threw it in the woods. :barf: Good thing we have a ton of turkey vultures around the water as it is.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Dixie, if the dead skunk bothers you get a shovel, scoop it up and sling it off into the woods.


I'm more of the give it a decent funeral type. You know Baby Skunk Killer has a flower garden. I think that's appropriate don't you? I need a birthday cake baker south of the base because I live south of the base and after I'm finished with the Navy I just want to go home.


New Member
Originally posted by Sharon
Dixie, if the dead skunk bothers you get a shovel, scoop it up and sling it off into the woods.
I'd be more concerned about the short bus shooting wildlife in my front yard I would disposing the baby creature whose life he ended.


Active Member
There are several things you could do here...

1) Call PETA
2) Take the skunk lay it on his doorstep
3) Go talk to him and tell him you arent comfterble with firearms being discharged so close to your house and dont like rotting mammals in the front yard, and harmless animals being shot up
4) Call the po-po tell them you are pissed and have them come have a word with them but not get them introuble (just to scare them) or tell them you want them in court

I just dont thnik you want to be so quick to get the authorities involved... I dont think pissed off neighbors would be a good thing... If you dont want him to know who it is go with #2... If oyu want to directly confront him (the way i would do it) go with 3