

Cleopatra Jones
We lost one durning Ernesto. We have a temporary fix in place but need to find a replacement. Our house was built in 63 and has the old school bubble sky lights. Lowes doesn't carry them. Is there anywhere else local I can try?


I bowl overhand
pixiegirl said:
We lost one durning Ernesto. We have a temporary fix in place but need to find a replacement. Our house was built in 63 and has the old school bubble sky lights. Lowes doesn't carry them. Is there anywhere else local I can try?
Try Glass places like PPG.. or window replacement comapnies..




I am so very blessed
Try a Hefty bag and a few strips of duct tape. Works for me every time. :yay:

Seriously, if the frame is still intact, you should contact a glass company (like Tri-County Glass, for instance) and see if they can simply replace the broken glass in it for you. If you have a particularly old skylight, it might be difficult to find an exact-sized replacement unit.


Cleopatra Jones
BadGirl said:
Try a Hefty bag and a few strips of duct tape. Works for me every time. :yay:

Seriously, if the frame is still intact, you should contact a glass company (like Tri-County Glass, for instance) and see if they can simply replace the broken glass in it for you. If you have a particularly old skylight, it might be difficult to find an exact-sized replacement unit.

Luckily they're 2 part and only the dome part broke. The next day when B got home he made some cover with an old tarp and some wood. VERY attractive. Good thing the outside of my house is horrid anyway. :lmao: He's since made some kind of wood cap thingy. It looks better but I want my skylight back.