Sleepovers - What age?


New Member
What age should you start sleepovers with your daughter? mine will be 7 and I sent invitations to all girls in her class (1st grade) I was on the fence about it but decided to go ahead with it, thought they may be a little young. I remember going when I was 6 and 7. No, the parents do not know us very well...thats why I was unsure. I know I would have a hard time with leaving my daughter but I did invite the parents over for the party but most are saying No. I kindof feel like an idiot, thinking these parents must think I am nuts????

We go to a Christian Private School....not that it matters but...oh who knows...

Can I get some constructive advice, I feel bad enough as it is....maybe I should have waited another year?


Lem Putt
My daughter couldn't handle it until she was almost 8. We tried a couple of times, and ended up having to go get her.

Maybe these parents just know that their kids can't handle it yet?


Salt Life
Can I get some constructive advice, I feel bad enough as it is....maybe I should have waited another year?
What do you have to feel bad about? :confused: If a parent is comfortable with their child staying over there shouldn't be a problem. The girls will have fun if you let them enjoy it.


My children never had sleep overs untill they were in Middle School. I have to feel really comfortable with the parents of the other child before I will allow them to sleep over or allow my child to sleep over at their home. Just too much can happen these days. you have to protect your self and your child.


Watch it
I'm not sure about the group sleepover thing. My daughter is 7 1/2 and just recently started sleeping over with her friend. She did great, but some kids may not be ready yet.


New Member
What do you have to feel bad about? :confused: If a parent is comfortable with their child staying over there shouldn't be a problem. The girls will have fun if you let them enjoy it.

I feel bad because my daughter was so excited (its the 9th) When her and I talked about it, she said that some of the girls would come and have asked their parents and said yes...well, now the ones she said told her they were allowed, are not coming. I don't know if my daughter is ready yet either to go to anothers home but we will see what happens in the next few days with the rest of the invites...I invited the entire 1st grade that no one would be left out....


New Member
What age should you start sleepovers with your daughter? mine will be 7 and I sent invitations to all girls in her class (1st grade) I was on the fence about it but decided to go ahead with it, thought they may be a little young. I remember going when I was 6 and 7. No, the parents do not know us very well...thats why I was unsure. I know I would have a hard time with leaving my daughter but I did invite the parents over for the party but most are saying No. I kindof feel like an idiot, thinking these parents must think I am nuts????

We go to a Christian Private School....not that it matters but...oh who knows...

Can I get some constructive advice, I feel bad enough as it is....maybe I should have waited another year?

No reason to feel bad. I've learned that kids from school rarely attend b-day parties in general. People are so busy these days. I think you're brave for inviting the whole class. I can only handle 2-3 giggling all night. My daughter started sleepovers around the same age. I don't let her stay anywhere unless there's already been at least a play date or I see the parents often. I might have made an exception for such a large group.

Perhaps have a PJ party - paint toes, watch movies (like Goonies), have popcorn and play twister. Have it from 6-9ish and just let'em be silly. You might get a better response.


New Member
My daughter is going on 6 in Feb. She slept at a close friends when she was 4 1/2 and than up the street with girls since she has been 5. She has done really well all the time.:)


Well-Known Member
I don't think a kid is old enough for a sleep-over party if you are inviting the entire class (girls at least). I would say that a sleep-over should be held at the point where the child has a good group of friends and they can all come over (so it should probably only be about 5-8 of them MAX i'd say, if not only 2-4) and have fun instead of an entire class which seems like too much work and drama because not everyone can get along :lol:

Personally I think that an entire-class party would be ok when the kid is younger, IF it wasn't a sleepover...I wouldn't let that many youngins sleep at my house...maybe not even that many of my friends :lmao:

You shouldn't feel bad, I just personally wouldn't have done it :lol:


New Member
No reason to feel bad. I've learned that kids from school rarely attend b-day parties in general. People are so busy these days. I think you're brave for inviting the whole class. I can only handle 2-3 giggling all night. My daughter started sleepovers around the same age. I don't let her stay anywhere unless there's already been at least a play date or I see the parents often. I might have made an exception for such a large group.

Perhaps have a PJ party - paint toes, watch movies (like Goonies), have popcorn and play twister. Have it from 6-9ish and just let'em be silly. You might get a better response.

I wish I would have thought about that...what a great idea, maybe next time.


New Member
My daughter is 6 she will be 7 later this year. I wouldn't let her go to a sleep over at a classmates house unless I know the parents really well. You just never know about people now a days. You have to be careful.


My daughter is 6 she will be 7 later this year. I wouldn't let her go to a sleep over at a classmates house unless I know the parents really well. You just never know about people now a days. You have to be careful.

Amen to that.. not saying that you are a bad person. But people honestly can't be trusted. I didn't start doing sleepovers till around 9 or 10. But thats a lot of kiddos....and esp. since the whole bladder control thing is a worry until 7. Some of the poor things may still have that incontinence factor at night. You have now idea what it could be..


New Member
My daughter is 6 she will be 7 later this year. I wouldn't let her go to a sleep over at a classmates house unless I know the parents really well. You just never know about people now a days. You have to be careful.

It is funny you say that because my husband had to talk me into this sleepover because I thought they were a little young and honestly the parents do not know us that well, if at all. He just kept saying they are old enough to tell there parents what is going on....blah blah blah. Now that I really think about...No Way would my daughter be going to a sleepover if I didn't know the parents. Good Lord, the parents must think I am nuts for even asking? Well, so far 3 have RSVP'd the big NO! 6 more to go....oh well. I will make if fun even if it is only 1 other girl. I was just trying to do something special for my daughter and now that I think about it...probably not a good idea yet...


My kids have been doing sleep overs for a long time. My daughter is in 6th grade this year. She has only stayed at peoples house that we know well but she has never had an issue with being scared or missing us :frown:.


New Member
Instead of a "sleepeover" how about a pajama party:

have the kids dress in their pj's, have snacks, a few games, and maybe either a quick movie (Charlie Brown's valentine) or short story. When it's 8-9PM then the guests go home in their pj's with their parent.

I've done this with close friends after dinner 6:30 PM before who live nearby. We had catepillar snacks (ritz crackers lined up with cheese and lunch meat stuffed in between), fruit pieces, and 100% juice boxes, and the movie Eric Carl's The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We made pipe cleaner caterpillars and egg cartons.

Mine can't handle a sleepover unless it's with their grandparents.


My first sleep over was my 10th birthday... I have no daughters, only boys, thank goodness... :lmao:


New Member
did that give u time for your man and you to put the ping pong in the ching chong?

I got green for this but have no idea why someone would write this????