

Asperger's Poster Child

Something strange is going on, and Dave smells a cover up. CNN is now saying the White House never called them. But why would CNN say the White House HAD called if the White House never did? Hmmm. And Dave reveals that our source, a very good source, confirms the White House DID call the CNN. Hoo boy, this is getting interesting. While Condoleeza Rice is testifying in front of the 9/11 Commission, perhaps she can shed some light on this as well.

Perhaps the White House truly believes the kid wasn’t there due to faulty intelligence.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
What a surprise - CBS and David Letterman acting like a bunch of *******s. :rolleyes:

Vrai, I thought you would have been harder on CNN (which some conservatives here have called the "Clinton News Network") for the mistake. By airing that claim, CNN unfairly tarred the Bush White House as humorless and vindictive.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Vrai, I thought you would have been harder on CNN
That would be like me being hard on the DU for making ugly comments about Republicans. It's what they do, it's why they exist and you don't expect anything else from them.

What's disturbing is that CBS and Letterman didn't bother to do any fact checking for themselves before they went on the attack. Then they don't even have the courtesy to take responsibility for it:
"So when you cast your vote in November," (Letterman) urged, "just remember that the White House was trying to make ME look like a DOPE."
Yeah, like that takes a lot of doin'. :rolleyes:
Perhaps the White House truly believes the kid wasn’t there due to faulty intelligence.
That's real good - you've already made an ass out of yourself, so let's just make it worse. :rolleyes: