Slumber Parties


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I am thinking about becoming a consultant for Slumber Parties, Inc. and wanted to get some feedback.

Can you let me know if you have ever been to a party, would you go to another one and what do you think about their products?



Hi Ladies,

I am thinking about becoming a consultant for Slumber Parties, Inc. and wanted to get some feedback.

Can you let me know if you have ever been to a party, would you go to another one and what do you think about their products?


I've been invited to a few, but I never went to any. I didnt even know what they were until a year or two ago. :lol: I dont know that I would ever go to one personally. If I did, there would have to be A LOT of alcohol flowing. :lmao: Good luck with your endeavors though! :buddies:
I'm afraid to go to slumber parties cause I don't want to be the first one to fall asleep only to awaken to my hand soaking in a bucket of warm water and groucho-mark eyebrows and moustache drawn on my face with eyebrow pencil...:blushing:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I'm afraid to go to slumber parties cause I don't want to be the first one to fall asleep only to awaken to my hand soaking in a bucket of warm water and groucho-mark eyebrows and moustache drawn on my face with a Sharpie...:blushing:

:fixt: :lol:


Dream Stealer
I went to one. It was ok, but frankly all that crap is extremely expensive. No one ordered anything because you can get the same thing from trojan now for a couple bucks :yikes: :killingme


Active Member
I am not a fan for slumber parties however, I like kama sutra products(no toys). Thier chocolate body paint and the honey dust body powder is wonderful.


aka Mrs. Giant
I've been to a few. :lol: I had a friend who was a "consultant". I discovered that for a lot of effort there wasn't a lot of reward. As someone mentioned, items are pricey in comparison to other places you can get such things. Plus you have to put up with a lot of smart arse stuff from the party guests.

Honestly, I think Slumber Parties is a waste of your time, effort and money if you are wanting to do party sales. Handbags (Miche, Thirty-one) and cooking (Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple) would be the areas I would look at first. You also have to consider our current economy. Women still buy purses and food related items. Plus with those items versus Slumber Party items, you can get in on quarter auctions and craft fairs to boost your sales.

My opinion.


I have been to one before. Even though I was around 90% people I knew, it felt really weird. Honestly, not too many people bought anything (even though they had people go in another room to order).

Like other posters have said, I personally think you are better off selling other stuff if you want to do at home business like that. How many people are going to be repeat customers? At least even with Pampered Chef for example, they have spices were even if I don't buy a big item purchase, they do have good spices that I can't find in the store or a similar product I found is not as good.

If you think about it, word of mouth comes from work. When I found out about Slumber Parties party, it was from a co-worker and she had to be really careful about how she asked people at work to come to her party as unlike Pampered Chef or Dove Chocolates, it is a "work safe" company. Slumbers Parties is not.........


New Member
First of all, let me say, Congrats on thinking about starting your own business! While I think it's great to poll family and friends about whether or not you'll have their support, I think it would be wiser to poll "business owners" about starting a business rather than the general population. There are many dream stealers out there who have never attempted to be their own boss, so they speak from a closed mind. MLM's that are tried and true, are not get rich quick plans - you must work it. You get out what you put in. Attend local meetings as a potential business owner and hear it from those who are doing it. That would be a much better gauge. Personally, I think Slumber Parties ROCKS!!


Dream Stealer
First of all, let me say, Congrats on thinking about starting your own business! While I think it's great to poll family and friends about whether or not you'll have their support, I think it would be wiser to poll "business owners" about starting a business rather than the general population. There are many dream stealers out there who have never attempted to be their own boss, so they speak from a closed mind. MLM's that are tried and true, are not get rich quick plans - you must work it. You get out what you put in. Attend local meetings as a potential business owner and hear it from those who are doing it. That would be a much better gauge. Personally, I think Slumber Parties ROCKS!!

uh. no. it is best to actually poll people who you expect to BUY your overpriced toys. That's just common sense. If no one is going to buy it, then you have no business. At least that's what this dream stealer thinks.


New Member
Ok, so you're forcing my hand. I am a Slumber Parties business owner. 3 years now in conjunction with a full time day job. I have MANY repeat clients and hostesses. My sales in 2011 exceeded $50k, and this is average. We have women who have been doing this business for over 10 years, and some full time earning more than $20K A MONTH! In a bad economy, 2 things sell well, alcohol and sex. What we are selling is relationship insurance and teaching sexual education. Parties are tastefully done and the support network is huge.
Do you think selling vitamins, cleaning supplies or pots and pans is easier? I can tell you from personal experience that it is NOT. Why would the average working woman, or stay at home mom spend $100 on a frying pan?! She can get commercial quality in Ross or Home Goods. But ask any women who's ventured into an Adult bookstore and most will tell you that it's a creepy experience and you have to read the package to see what something does (who are you going to ask? the 18 year old at the register?) A business owner would look at the bigger picture, unlike the "dream stealers". Who could believe that one day we'd PAY for bottled water? I never thought it would be a success, but look at it today. Someone looked outside the box and saw the value. Home based businesses do the same. There are plenty of MLM sex toy companies out that, more than you can imagine - but there are ethics and education that set some apart. Our biggest sales states are MD and UT - go figure! FL with the worst economy ever, still has lots of successful consultants. They can't buy the experience of a party in a store nor can they purchase what we offer in the mall. The only ladies not making money in this business is the one that isn't working her business. So again, I suggest to anyone who is looking to start their own business to talk to other business owners. The perspectives are different from those who like their structured work environments, being told where and when to be, when they can and cannot be off and exactly how much they will be paid vs the freedom of giving yourself a pay raise when you want it, taking time off without having to clear it with anyone else and proving your worthiness to no one but yourself. Dream stealers. They are plentiful. They don't want for more out of life but take what they are given and are satisfied. They envy those who reach for the stars and do something to put into motion. :yawn:
Without entrepreneurs, the world would be a boring black and white experience.
Off my soapbox.