"Smack-man" Jones...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...as most of you have heard by now, the NBA All-Star show was in Vegas this past weekend and it caused alot of problems, including over 300 arrests, rampant brawling, weed huffing and general all around menacing including some gun play.

Seems Mr. Adam Jones, aka 'pacman' is at the center of some of it.


Jones tossed hundreds of $1 bills on the stripper stage, Susnar said, adding that when a dancer started grabbing the money without Jones' permission, he got angry, grabbed her hair and slammed her head against the stage.

"He goes out, retrieves a gun, then shoots two security guards, pretty much making good on the threat made by Pacman Jones," Susnar said.

Of course, Jones is innocent;

Robinson told the paper that the entertainers began throwing cash into the air, sparking a fight among women on and off the stage as they scrambled for the money. He said Jones was attacked when he tried to get his own money back. "Mr. Jones didn't assault anybody," Robinson said.