This might come in handy for some local small businesses:
[font="] The Bi-County Water Tunnel Project will be approximately 5.5 miles of 84-inch diameter pipe and will connect an existing main at the intersection of I-270 and Tuckerman Lane to another existing main in the area where Rock Creek crosses I-495 in Montgomery County. It will help transport clean drinking water from WSSC’s Potomac Water Filtration Plant to customers in eastern Montgomery County and most of Prince George’s County.[/font]
[font="] There is a 15% mandatory SLBE subcontracting requirement on this project. The prime contractors selected will be invited to attend this workshop to network and interview prospective SLBEs interested in working on this contract. [/font]
[font="] All SLBE firms interested in this opportunity must demonstrate skills and experience necessary to work with one or all of the selected prime contractors. “This is a tremendous opportunity to meet the prime contractors who are excited about fulfilling the contract requirement with approved SLBEs,“ said SLBE Director Towanda McNeil. “WSSC is making it easy to make those contacts.” [/font]
[font="]WHO:[/font][font="] The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission's Small, Local and Minority Business Enterprise (SLMBE) Office, in conjunction with the Architecture and Engineering Team, Black and Veatch (construction manager) and Project Contractors.[/font]
[font="]WHERE:[/font][font="] Commissioners’ Auditorium, LK-120 and LK-121[/font]
[font="] WSSC Headquarters (Richard G. Hocevar Building)[/font]
[font="] 14501 Sweitzer Lane[/font]
[font="] Laurel, Maryland[/font]
[font="]WHEN:[/font][font="] Monday, March 12th - 10:00am to 1:00pm[/font]
[font="]COST: FREE[/font]
[font="]To register your company, please contact Beverly Perry or Mike Turner with the WSSC’s Small, Local and Minority Business Enterprise (SLMBE) Office at 301-206-8800.[/font]
[font="]FOR BI-COUNTY WATER TUNNEL PROJECT[/font][font="] [/font]
[font="]Register Now for March 12th Event[/font]
[font="]WHAT:[/font][font="] OPEN HOUSE for Small, Local Business Enterprises (SLBE). The Small, Local and Minority Business Enterprise (SLMBE) Office of Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) will be hosting this networking event for companies interested in subcontracting opportunities related to the WSSC’s Bi-County Water Tunnel Project. [/font]
[font="] The Bi-County Water Tunnel Project will be approximately 5.5 miles of 84-inch diameter pipe and will connect an existing main at the intersection of I-270 and Tuckerman Lane to another existing main in the area where Rock Creek crosses I-495 in Montgomery County. It will help transport clean drinking water from WSSC’s Potomac Water Filtration Plant to customers in eastern Montgomery County and most of Prince George’s County.[/font]
[font="] There is a 15% mandatory SLBE subcontracting requirement on this project. The prime contractors selected will be invited to attend this workshop to network and interview prospective SLBEs interested in working on this contract. [/font]
[font="] All SLBE firms interested in this opportunity must demonstrate skills and experience necessary to work with one or all of the selected prime contractors. “This is a tremendous opportunity to meet the prime contractors who are excited about fulfilling the contract requirement with approved SLBEs,“ said SLBE Director Towanda McNeil. “WSSC is making it easy to make those contacts.” [/font]
[font="]WHO:[/font][font="] The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission's Small, Local and Minority Business Enterprise (SLMBE) Office, in conjunction with the Architecture and Engineering Team, Black and Veatch (construction manager) and Project Contractors.[/font]
[font="]WHERE:[/font][font="] Commissioners’ Auditorium, LK-120 and LK-121[/font]
[font="] WSSC Headquarters (Richard G. Hocevar Building)[/font]
[font="] 14501 Sweitzer Lane[/font]
[font="] Laurel, Maryland[/font]
[font="]WHEN:[/font][font="] Monday, March 12th - 10:00am to 1:00pm[/font]
[font="]COST: FREE[/font]
[font="]To register your company, please contact Beverly Perry or Mike Turner with the WSSC’s Small, Local and Minority Business Enterprise (SLMBE) Office at 301-206-8800.[/font]