Researcher releases smart meter hacking tool
Termineter designed for researchers and penetration testers, SecureState says
Computerworld - Security consulting firm SecureState today released a new open source hacking tool that it claims will let security researchers and penetration testers verify the security of electric utility smart meters being installed in millions of homes around the country.
The tool, called Termineter, is available for public download from SecureState's website and will be demonstrated at the BSides security event in Las Vegas next week. The company had earlier sent out a stripped down version of the tool to a limited number of individuals.
Currently, Termineter modules allow testers to read and write raw data on a device in order to get it to respond in specific ways, McIntyre said. Researchers can extend Termineter's capabilities to build their own applications around it, he said.
Smart meters are a crucial component of the smart grid. The devices are designed to collect energy consumption data from homes and transmit it back to power distribution companies for billing, network and demand management purpose. The technology also lets consumer view their energy usage patterns in near real time to help them better manage home energy use.
Utility companies around the country are in the process of installing millions of smart meters in homes to better manage energy consumption, respond to demand better and eventually offer tiered rating plans based on a consumer's energy use habits.
Termineter designed for researchers and penetration testers, SecureState says
Computerworld - Security consulting firm SecureState today released a new open source hacking tool that it claims will let security researchers and penetration testers verify the security of electric utility smart meters being installed in millions of homes around the country.
The tool, called Termineter, is available for public download from SecureState's website and will be demonstrated at the BSides security event in Las Vegas next week. The company had earlier sent out a stripped down version of the tool to a limited number of individuals.
Currently, Termineter modules allow testers to read and write raw data on a device in order to get it to respond in specific ways, McIntyre said. Researchers can extend Termineter's capabilities to build their own applications around it, he said.
Smart meters are a crucial component of the smart grid. The devices are designed to collect energy consumption data from homes and transmit it back to power distribution companies for billing, network and demand management purpose. The technology also lets consumer view their energy usage patterns in near real time to help them better manage home energy use.
Utility companies around the country are in the process of installing millions of smart meters in homes to better manage energy consumption, respond to demand better and eventually offer tiered rating plans based on a consumer's energy use habits.