

Cleopatra Jones
One of my senior VP's is an honest to God good guy. He knows that I'm unhappy here and looking to go elsewhere. He told me about Smartronix and told me to check them out. Apparently they're a small contractor at Pax that is doing very well.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
hmmm... from an employee/employer standpoint i don't know much...

Here's their website if that helps:

Other than that... the name rings a bell with computer monitors. I seem to remember a Smartronix brand, but I could be wrong. Anyway, they were pretty good monitors if I remember right.


Cleopatra Jones
I've been some of everything here. I'm labled as a Sr. Program Analyst. I do a lot of our financial stuff, tracking money in each of our tasks, make sure program managers aren't over/under spending. Clean up the mess when tasks are overrun. I compile inputs from the Program Managers and compose our monthly reports that get submitted to our customer. I compile/compose a weekly status report for one of our tasks. I do all the subcontractor forms (PRs, SOWs and SSJs). Keep a database of all our projects and their financial status. RFAs. Track Indirect Charges.

Those are just the big things. I do a ton of other stuff too I just can't think of it off the top of my head.


Be about it
I had a boyfriend once who worked for Smartonix. The head guy over there is super nice guy, as are the other people there from what I hear. But, they are mostly IT and not a lot of general program/financial duties. Still, you never know what could come up, and like I said I've only heard good things about them.