SMCPS and Stem Program


New Member
I know that I am "beating a dead horse" but I do not understand what happen to the SMCPS budget. First, The superintendent said that if the full amount was not approved, the stem program would suffer and so would safety in the schools. Then when the CC's approved the school board budget less $2.5 million dollars they(CC's) congratulated the school system in going forward with the Stem Program. So seeing how the stem program is going forward, they are getting all of the additional educators they asked for, everyone except the paraeducators are getting a full (5%) raise, and the safety in the schools money(Which was mostly in the Capital Improvement Budget and not in the SMCPS operating budget) was never really needed in the operating budget. What exactly was this $2.5 million dollars needed for again?


Soul Probe
thegreatsnozz said:
I know that I am "beating a dead horse" but I do not understand what happen to the SMCPS budget. First, The superintendent said that if the full amount was not approved, the stem program would suffer and so would safety in the schools. Then when the CC's approved the school board budget less $2.5 million dollars they(CC's) congratulated the school system in going forward with the Stem Program. So seeing how the stem program is going forward, they are getting all of the additional educators they asked for, everyone except the paraeducators are getting a full (5%) raise, and the safety in the schools money(Which was mostly in the Capital Improvement Budget and not in the SMCPS operating budget) was never really needed in the operating budget. What exactly was this $2.5 million dollars needed for again?

I don't know, maybe it's a case of asking for more than what you really want so when you're shot down you still get what you want, or if you do get what you ask for you're thrilled with what you can do with the extra cash? I'm afraid I don't follow that bit of local politics as closely as I should. I am, however, glad the budget for STEM went through seeing how my son will be attending high school STEM Academy in August. I hope the funding will continue and that STEM can deliver what they promise. It's time for me to start paying closer attention and getting proactive.


New Member
thegreatsnozz said:
I know that I am "beating a dead horse" but I do not understand what happen to the SMCPS budget. First, The superintendent said that if the full amount was not approved, the stem program would suffer and so would safety in the schools. Then when the CC's approved the school board budget less $2.5 million dollars they(CC's) congratulated the school system in going forward with the Stem Program. So seeing how the stem program is going forward, they are getting all of the additional educators they asked for, everyone except the paraeducators are getting a full (5%) raise, and the safety in the schools money(Which was mostly in the Capital Improvement Budget and not in the SMCPS operating budget) was never really needed in the operating budget. What exactly was this $2.5 million dollars needed for again?

Text books. Have you seen the playgrounds at Hollywood ES and Town Creek ES? Security cameras for the schools that have trailers. Trust me, we could still spend that 2.5 million and have plenty of need.
....they are getting all of the additional educators they asked for?? Not!!

thegreatsnozz said:
I know that I am "beating a dead horse" but I do not understand what happen to the SMCPS budget. First, The superintendent said that if the full amount was not approved, the stem program would suffer and so would safety in the schools. Then when the CC's approved the school board budget less $2.5 million dollars they(CC's) congratulated the school system in going forward with the Stem Program. So seeing how the stem program is going forward, they are getting all of the additional educators they asked for, everyone except the paraeducators are getting a full (5%) raise, and the safety in the schools money(Which was mostly in the Capital Improvement Budget and not in the SMCPS operating budget) was never really needed in the operating budget. What exactly was this $2.5 million dollars needed for again?

Leonardtown High School, the highest rated and most over crowded HS is required to lose one PE teacher and one English teacher. I think a social studies position is on the chopping block as well, but not sure. More teachers are desperately needed to reduce these huge class sizes!!
Cut the STEM academy, or wait til private funding; ie; grants, Pax NAS etc.. kicks in.


No B.S Pleez
Cut Stem??

Hollywoodmom said:
Leonardtown High School, the highest rated and most over crowded HS is required to lose one PE teacher and one English teacher. I think a social studies position is on the chopping block as well, but not sure. More teachers are desperately needed to reduce these huge class sizes!!
Cut the STEM academy, or wait til private funding; ie; grants, Pax NAS etc.. kicks in.

Do you not think it's a good idea to spend roughly 5 Million on approximately 150 Students??


New Member
Geek said:
Text books. Have you seen the playgrounds at Hollywood ES and Town Creek ES? Security cameras for the schools that have trailers. Trust me, we could still spend that 2.5 million and have plenty of need.

Playgrounds are a capital request and have nothing to do with the operating money that was cut. Security cameras could have also been a capital request depending on how it was submitted. Textbooks come out of the operating budget. So if you want to improve the playgrounds, their is state grants for that which the school system has sucessfully applied for at other schools also the pta help fund the one at Lettie Dent. The 2.5 million dollar cut was fluff that the CC 's recognized and the BOE could not defend. That is probably why they blew off the budget meeting and did not attend thus showing how important it really was.


New Member
LHS Overcrowding

Hollywoodmom said:
Leonardtown High School, the highest rated and most over crowded HS is required to lose one PE teacher and one English teacher. I think a social studies position is on the chopping block as well, but not sure. More teachers are desperately needed to reduce these huge class sizes!!
Cut the STEM academy, or wait til private funding; ie; grants, Pax NAS etc.. kicks in.

LHS is overcrowded because of the wimpy leadership of the Director of Student Services who with few exceptions has approved every out of school zone transfer that has come down the pike. She can not say no. You can't reduce class size by adding teachers. You have to put the students back in the school districts(Great Mills HS) that they are zoned in. Or bring in more trailers and go to six lunch periods.


New Member

Barnacle said:
Are you sure about that???

Yes, Every year the school system bases their request on predicted enrollment, special needs students, and new programs. Every year the school system over estimates the projected enrollment, this is mainly due to a very incompetant individual with no formal education or training doing the projections for the school system. The state also does enrollment projections to evaluate the need for more classrooms. Their data historically is much more conservative and accurate. That being said, classrooms are built at one rate while teacher hiring is done at the county rate approved by the BOE. The BOE always go heavy on teacher hiring, in fact they really don't know where most of the new teachers will go until about ten days before school starts because that when a lot of people who move to area and enroll their kids. I can remember about five years ago when the enrollment projections were so far off(Overstated by 600 students), that the teachers were hired in July and the students did not show up. This lowered class size but had new teachers teaching students on the stage, in the library, music and art were put on carts and lost their designated classrooms. Many times new teachers assigned to one school in July are moved to another school in August or even after the school year begins. This creates a lot of split classrooms such as 2/3 grade or 4/5 grade for example. It is pure chaos at the Middle and High School level due to the need to set a class schedule. It takes a very intelligent person to create this schedule. That is why in the last few years LMS has gone through 5 or 6 schedules during the first part of the school year. There will be a new principal there this year, so that will change. Anyway, no one complains when they overhire because the school system empire grows to the delight of the Superintendent and the BOE, the parents like it because class size drops. I suspect that soon, the over hiring of teachers measured against a pathetic effort to secure school sites will keep class sizes low while putting more and more students in trailers.


New Member
Chapter 11

Realist said:
Do you not think it's a good idea to spend roughly 5 Million on approximately 150 Students??

Absolutely not, in fact know business would ever make a decision like that and survive. The school system operates this way because it's not their money. If the school system was a business it would be in Chapter 11.


Soul Probe
Hollywoodmom said:
Cut the STEM academy, or wait til private funding; ie; grants, Pax NAS etc.. kicks in.

:stepping onto soapbox:

Bite thy tongue woman! The bright and gifted children in this county have been shortchanged for far too long. They deserve to live up to their potential as much as any nominally average, mentally disabled, or pregnant teen in the school system who benefit from special programs and although most educators work hard and deserve a decent salary not all are equal in their endeavors and some IMO don't deserve a pay raise. There could have been a compromise with STEM financial requirements; however, all in all I'm glad STEM was approved in its fullness. STEM students have more potential to give back to St. Mary's economically and socially than any others and it would be a travesty to cut it. The bright and gifted students deserve it and so does the future of St. Mary's.

:stepping off of soapbox:


New Member
Radiant1 said:
:stepping onto soapbox:

Bite thy tongue woman! The bright and gifted children in this county have been shortchanged for far too long. They deserve to live up to their potential as much as any nominally average, mentally disabled, or pregnant teen in the school system who benefit from special programs and although most educators work hard and deserve a decent salary not all are equal in their endeavors and some IMO don't deserve a pay raise. There could have been a compromise with STEM financial requirements; however, all in all I'm glad STEM was approved in its fullness. STEM students have more potential to give back to St. Mary's economically and socially than any others and it would be a travesty to cut it. The bright and gifted students deserve it and so does the future of St. Mary's.

:stepping off of soapbox:

School systems just need more attention given to them. I think people waste too much time worrying about stuff going on outside our own territories. School systems have gone downhill FAST just in the past few years. There're so many changes that need to be made. But, I agree with what's been said.

And some people need to clear out their pm boxes. :razz:


Soul Probe
Realist said:
Do you not think it's a good idea to spend roughly 5 Million on approximately 150 Students??

Personally, I don't see the need for the elementary aspect of STEM but I truly do see the need for it with the middle school and high school levels. Do away with the elementary aspect and that cuts down the financial requirement a good bit.


I don't think all of these positions "made the cut..." (From proposed budget)

• FTE: +7.5
o +7.0 Kindergarten teachers to support growth in K enrollment $291,130/$423,570;
o +0.5 Kindergarten teacher $21,139/$30,633 (rollover from Improving teacher quality – Title II grant, actual salary);
o -1.0 Classroom teacher ($41,590/$60,510) to offset the Instructional resource teacher annualized in FY 2007; and
o +1.0 Instructional resource teacher $61,790/82,730 annualized in FY 2007, and offset by classroom teacher reduction as shown above

Middle School
• FTE: Net +8.0
o +8.0 Mathematics teachers (MS initiative) $332,720/$484,080;
o -2.0 Classroom teachers (-$83,180/$121,020) (partial offset for math teachers)
o +1.0 Classroom teacher for student growth $41,590/$60,510; and
o +1.0 Physical education teacher $58,091/$71,280 (rollover from Special Education pass thru grant – actual salary)

High School
• FTE: +8.0
o +2.0 Classroom teachers for student growth $83,180/$121,020; and
o +6.0 HSA remediation teachers $249,540/$363,060 (2 per HS)

Professional Support
Guidance Counselors
• FTE: +2.0
o +1.0 Middle school 11-month Guidance counselor at EMS $52,650/$72,680; and
o +1.0 Career & Technology Center guidance counselor annualized from FY 2007 $47,860/$67,410, (actual cost to be determined)


Lovin' being Texican
Radiant1 said:
Personally, I don't see the need for the elementary aspect of STEM but I truly do see the need for it with the middle school and high school levels. Do away with the elementary aspect and that cuts down the financial requirement a good bit.

Help me out here. My kids are grown and out of school. Is the STEM porgram the same as the SHORTBUS program?


Soul Probe
Lenny said:
Help me out here. My kids are grown and out of school. Is the STEM porgram the same as the SHORTBUS program?

Define "shortbus". If you are referring to learning disabled students, then no. If you are referring to exceptionally bright students, then yes. Both have special needs regarding their learning environment.

STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Academy.


Lenny said:
Help me out here. My kids are grown and out of school. Is the STEM porgram the same as the SHORTBUS program?

A short bus is all that will be needed to provide transportation since so few kids are enrolled in the STEM program!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I think the biggest mistake the BOE made with the budget was not responding to the BOCC's request for more information. The BOE basically snubbed them and did not show up for the budget meeting. Well, I'd have cut their budget also. JMHO. It was disrespectful. The BOE kicked their ownselves in the teeth.