
All Up In Your Grill
Just in case someone may need to know this.



Monday, August 13, 2007

Zina McGowan-Thomas Public Information Officer, 301-475-5511, ext. 193


LEONARDTOWN, MD – Because of the employee pep rally being held Friday, August 17, 2007, 9:30-11:30 a.m., school staff and office employees of St. Mary’s County Public Schools will not be available for business at their sites until approximately 1:00 p.m. All persons wishing to conduct business with the school system on Friday should contact the school or office before visiting to confirm the operating hours.


New Member
MLGTS08 said:
They have a pep rally? haha boy I would like to see that!

What an absolute waste of our tax dollar. It is just an opportunity for the superintendent of schools to feed his already overinflated ego and to talk to a disinterested group for two hours or more. Wonder if he will have more pictures of himself displayed around the assembly area like he did last year. It is my understanding that he is not allowing any elected officials to speak. That should go a long way to get next years budget approved. How much longer are the citizens of this county going to put up with this egomaniacal


Restricted User
thegreatsnozz said:
What an absolute waste of our tax dollar. It is just an opportunity for the superintendent of schools to feed his already overinflated ego and to talk to a disinterested group for two hours or more. Wonder if he will have more pictures of himself displayed around the assembly area like he did last year. It is my understanding that he is not allowing any elected officials to speak. That should go a long way to get next years budget approved. How much longer are the citizens of this county going to put up with this egomaniacal

Since when has the administration of the school system been cautious about spending money? Every year they spend money hand over fist then beg and beg the commissioners for more and when they don't get what they want they cry poor mouth and start talking about the negative impacts it will cause for the students and programs.

When was the last time where you remember that the need for new school books hasn't been an issue? Yet every year the board gets new staff cars by the fleet for up the administrative people.

The problem is that there is no audit process for the school board. The board of county commissioners should look at what is right in front of them.

It wouldn't surprise me if the Board of Education gets more cars per year/per employee than the sheriff's department gets. Does that make sense to anyone out there?

There is an abundance of "waste" at the school board. The other tax payers of this county should ask questions like why the teachers aren't getting the supplies they need, why the schools are over crowded, etc; all the while the administration has everything their hearts desire.


Restricted User
Hey 'snozz

thegreatsnozz said:
What an absolute waste of our tax dollar. It is just an opportunity for the superintendent of schools to feed his already overinflated ego and to talk to a disinterested group for two hours or more. Wonder if he will have more pictures of himself displayed around the assembly area like he did last year. It is my understanding that he is not allowing any elected officials to speak. That should go a long way to get next years budget approved. How much longer are the citizens of this county going to put up with this egomaniacal

How do you know so much about the school system? Are you Kreskin, or what?

get a life

New Member
Grind that Axe

One might wonder why you are STILL going on about the superintendent. You have moved on in your employment, perhaps it is also time to move on with the rest of your life.


New Member
get a life said:
One might wonder why you are STILL going on about the superintendent. You have moved on in your employment, perhaps it is also time to move on with the rest of your life.

Perhaps it is time that you kiss my a**. Interesting that the only time you are on this site is when something is said about the superintendent. Could this be that the superintendent has his public affairs person monitor this site for damage control. The superintendent is a charlatan that promotes lackluster dullards in leadership positions. Time will prove this.


All Up In Your Grill
thegreatsnozz said:
Perhaps it is time that you kiss my a**. Interesting that the only time you are on this site is when something is said about the superintendent. Could this be that the superintendent has his public affairs person monitor this site for damage control. The superintendent is a charlatan that promotes lackluster dullards in leadership positions. Time will prove this.

Wow. Then maybe I DO have a shot at getting a job there. :yahoo:


Restricted User
get a life said:
One might wonder why you are STILL going on about the superintendent. You have moved on in your employment, perhaps it is also time to move on with the rest of your life.

thegreatsnozz said:
Perhaps it is time that you kiss my a**. Interesting that the only time you are on this site is when something is said about the superintendent. Could this be that the superintendent has his public affairs person monitor this site for damage control. The superintendent is a charlatan that promotes lackluster dullards in leadership positions. Time will prove this.

Oh, it's on now.:popcorn:


thegreatsnozz said:
Perhaps it is time that you kiss my a**. Interesting that the only time you are on this site is when something is said about the superintendent. Could this be that the superintendent has his public affairs person monitor this site for damage control. The superintendent is a charlatan that promotes lackluster dullards in leadership positions. Time will prove this.

:killingme :killingme


Restricted User
thegreatsnozz said:
Perhaps it is time that you kiss my a**. Interesting that the only time you are on this site is when something is said about the superintendent. Could this be that the superintendent has his public affairs person monitor this site for damage control. The superintendent is a charlatan that promotes lackluster dullards in leadership positions. Time will prove this.

So 'snozz, what do you have against the Superintendent anyway????
hard to sit in bleachers that long, but it wasn't too bad. No big speeches, just lots of yay teachers, SMCPS rocks-cheerleader stuff. Could have been much worse.


New Member
Barnacle said:
Anybody have a report from the Pep Rally?

In Martirano's speech he said that he was going to have the BOE provide a clause in their policies to allow unlimited number of renewals of superintendent contracts with no term limits. The BOE present at the "pep" event all nodded a nervous "yes". Wait a minute that sounds alot like Chavez. Chavez/Martirano no real difference.


thegreatsnozz said:
In Martirano's speech he said that he was going to have the BOE provide a clause in their policies to allow unlimited number of renewals of superintendent contracts with no term limits. The BOE present at the "pep" event all nodded a nervous "yes". Wait a minute that sounds alot like Chavez. Chavez/Martirano no real difference.

Please say you meant to add this: :sarcasm: somewhere in your post.....

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Hollywoodmom said:
hard to sit in bleachers that long, but it wasn't too bad. No big speeches, just lots of yay teachers, SMCPS rocks-cheerleader stuff. Could have been much worse.
Didn't you all get free crabs somewhere afterwards?


New Member
Barnacle said:
Please say you meant to add this: :sarcasm: somewhere in your post.....

Barnacle, I meant what I said, I worked under three different superintendents, the one that is there right now is a tyrant. It is frustrating to see him portray himself as so "nice". He does none of the dirty work himself, and has appointed two people under him to take out the trash. He does a lot of smiling but is really a nasty person. People that have an opposing view are demoted. The system was a lot better off when Richardson was there. She made a lot of bad and good decisions but at least she would take on an issue. The current superintendent looks for yes men only, school administrators are afraid to oppose him. They talk negatively about him all of the time when they are in private circles. The county commissioners don't like him either because he acts like he is better than them. Thinking one dimensional and pissing off the county commissioners will be his undoing.

We are organizing!