SMECO Customers, You Should Have a Choice to ...


.. choose an electric service provider to reduce your electricity
costs below SMECO's present 9.75 cents per kilowatt-hour (KWH) rate.
As of now, there are no alternate electric service providers are available
in SMECO's territory, per this Maryland Public Services Commission (MPSC),
Electric Suppliers web page.

And, keep in mind, that when you choose an alternate service provider, will still pay SMECO the transmission line costs because SMECO will still bring the power generated (by the electric service provider you choose) to your home or business.

How can you choose an alternate electric service provider? You can
take part in the process for change to enable SMECO customers to have
a choice of an alternate electric service provider, by By visiting the MPSC web page. And, filling-out and submitting General Complaint, an on-line, about SMECO's high 9.75 cents per KWH, by clicking here.
High? I was paying .15/KWH in NY over 15 years ago.

The problem isn't the cost per KWH, but all the add ons. My usage bill is half of the total bill after all the taxes and fees and surcharges, and those won't change much between service companies.


High? I was paying .15/KWH in NY over 15 years ago.

The problem isn't the cost per KWH, but all the add ons. My usage bill is half of the total bill after all the taxes and fees and surcharges, and those won't change much between service companies.

Wow! 15 cents per KWH? Dang!

Around, 15 years ago, I was paying around 4.75 cents per KWH with SMECO.

Visit North American Power (NAP)r,
to see what NY, PEPCO-MD and BG&E customers are paying, and what they can be paying if they sign up with NAP.
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