SMHA Benefit Show Prize List 10/12/08


New Member
Southern Maryland Horse Association
2008 Benefit Show

Grey Matters!

October 12, 2008 8:30 am

Prince Georges Equestrian Center
14900 Pennsylvania Avenue
Upper Marlboro, Maryland

Proceeds to Benefit The National Brain Tumor Society

50/50 Raffle Vendor Row Silent Auction Tack Item Raffle Used Tack Sale
Great Prizes for Division Champion and Reserve

Come help us make a difference! We need your support! Or just come to school your horse for upcoming events! Everyone welcome!

Want to be a vendor? All vendors welcome! Set up in S-2 Stalls.
Contact or 410-533-1406 and leave message.

Want to make a donation? Write “Grey Matters!” in notation section of check.
Please mail to P.O. Box 220 Tracys Landing, Md 20779-0220

Ring One

Open Schooling Hunter 2'
Open Schooling Hunter 2'
Open Schooling Hunter Under Saddle
Open Schooling Hunter 2'3"
Open Schooling Hunter 2'3"
Open Schooling Hunter Under Saddle
Open Schooling Hunter 2'6"
Open Schooling Hunter 2'6"
Open Schooling Hunter Under Saddle
Open Schooling Hunter 2'9"
Open Schooling Hunter 2'9"
Open Schooling Hunter Under Saddle
Open Schooling Hunter 3'
Open Schooling Hunter 3'
Open Schooling Hunter Under Saddle
Open Jumpers 2' Time First Jump Off
Open Jumpers Power & Speed 2' Add Back
Open Jumpers 2' 3" Time First Jump Off
Open Jumpers Power & Speed 2'3" Add Back
Open Jumpers 2'6" Time First Jump Off
Open Jumpers Power & Speed 2'6" Add Back
Open Jumpers 2'9" Time First Jump Off
Open Jumpers Power & Speed 2'9" Add Back
Jackpot Jumpers 2'9" Gamblers Choice
Open Jumpers 3' Time First Jump Off
Open Jumpers Power & Speed 3' Add Back
Open Schooling Jumpers Riders Choice 3'3" - 4'

Ring Two

Senior Western Pleasure Walk Jog
Senior Western Pleasure Walk Jog Command
Senior Western Pleasure Walk Jog Combo
Senior Western Pleasure Walk Jog Pairs
Senior Western Pleasure Walk Jog Ribbon Pairs
Senior WP Walk Jog Combo Follow The Leader
Senior Western Pleasure WJ
Senior Western Pleasure WJ Command
Senior Western Pleasure WJL
Senior Western Pleasure WJL Combo
Senior Western Pleasure WJL Pairs
Senior WP WJL Combo Follow The Leader
Junior Western Pleasure Walk Jog
Junior Western Pleasure WJ Command
Junior Western Pleasure WJ Combo
Junior Western Pleasure WJ Pairs
Junior Pleasure WJ Ribbon Pairs
Junior WP WJ Combo Follow The Leader
Junior Western Pleasure WJ
Junior Western Pleasure WJL
Junior Western Pleasure WJL Command
Junior Western Pleasure WJL Combo
Junior Western Pleasure WJL Pairs
Junior WP WJL Combo Follow The Leader
Open English & Western Walk Jog/Trot Trail
Open English & Western WJL/WTC Trail
Senior English Pleasure Walk
Senior Pleasure Walk Trot
Senior Pleasure Walk Trot Disciplined Rail
Senior Pleasure Walk Trot Over Fences 12"
Senior Pleasure Walk Trot Pairs
Senior Pleasure WT OF 12" Follow The Leader
Senior Pleasure WT
Senior Pleasure WTC
Senior Pleasure WTC OF 18”
Senior Pleasure WTC Pairs
Senior Pleasure WTC OF 18” Follow The Leader
Junior Pleasure Walk Trot
Junior Pleasure Walk Trot Disciplined Rail
Junior Pleasure WT OF 12"
Junior Pleasure WT Pairs
Junior Pleasure WT Ribbon Pairs
Junior Pleasure WT OF 12" Follow The Leader
Junior Pleasure WT
Junior Pleasure WTC
Junior Pleasure WTC OF 18”
Junior Pleasure WT Pairs
Junior Pleasure WTC OF 18” Follow The Leader
Open Bareback Dollar WT
Open Bareback Dollar WTC

Ring Three

Costume Class
Leadline Parent English & Western
Leadline Child 8 Yrs & Under English & Western
Leadline Egg Walk 5 Yrs & Under English & Western
Team Pleasure Walk Parent and Child Pairs E & W
Team Ribbon Walk Trot English & Western
Individual Egg Walk 8 Yrs & Under
Individual Egg Walk Jog/Trot 9 & 10 Years
Individual Egg Walk Jog/Trot 11 & 12 Years
Individual Egg Walk Jog/Trot 13 -17 Years
Mini Pleasure Walk 8 Yrs & Under
Mini Pleasure Walk Disciplined Rail
Mini Pleasure Walk Pairs
Mini Walk Trail 8 Yrs & Under
Bareback Dollar Walk 8 Yrs & Under
Cake Walk
Lunch Break - Fred Mack Trick Pony Exhibition
Mini Pleasure Walk Jog/Trot 8 Yrs & under
Mini Pleasure Walk Jog/Trot Disciplined Rail
Mini Pleasure Walk Trot OF 12"
Mini Pleasure Walk Jog/Trot Pairs
Mini Pleasure Walk Trot OF 12" Follow The Leader
Bareback Dollar 8 Yrs & Under Walk Jog/Trot
Mini Pleasure Walk Jog/Trot 9 & 10 Yrs Old
Mini Pleasure Walk Jog/Trot Disciplined Rail
Mini Pleasure Walk Trot OF 12" or Western Combo
Mini Pleasure Walk Jog/Trot Pairs
Mini Pleasure Walk Trot OF 12" Follow The Leader
Mini Pleasure Walk Jog Trot 11 & 12 Years Old
Mini Pleasure Walk Jog/Trot Disciplined Rail
Mini Pleasure Walk Jog/Trot OF 12"
Mini Pleasure Walk Jog/Trot Pairs
Mini Pleasure Walk Trot OF 12" Follow The Leader
Bareback Dollar 12 Yrs & Under Walk Jog/Trot
Mini Trail Walk Jog/Trot 12 Yrs & Under


New Member
ooh i wanna go.....

hmm open schooling 3ft ya ya ya



New Member
Wadafugg is "Follow the Leader?"

Ever notice how the always put the ride a buck a the very end of the day? Dead last? After a long, hot dusty day, when your legs totally feel like overcooked sphagetti? What's up with that? Is it more entertaining for onlookers that way? :lmao:

Lately I'm having the overwhelming urge to do jumpers. I must be hormonal or something, 'cause that is SO not like me. Friends tease that my motto must be "speed kills." Seriously, I am often urged to go faster during a hunter round. Of course, I'm also having the urge to do a hunter pace, and I'm also not a fan of jumps that don't fall down with you. Just not cool. So I'm not believing much that the little voices in my head tell me these days....

Yeah, I'm old and skeered. :lmao: Oh well, it doesn't matter anyway 'cause my poor mare is without a shoe, and that makes her a tad bit unhappy. So no fun for us 'till her feet are better.


Podunk FL
What is a Cake Walk?

I wonder if the Parent Leadline if it is required they have a show outfit. Maybe I can talk my mom into doing it. She would love it, just doens't have the clothes to wear.


New Member
hmmm jumpers...............wonder if i'll have higgins ready for that by then...its kinda soon...


New Member
true true, that would be very entertaining!

so did we ever find out how much classes cost etc?? i can't find it on the website, where did the prize list come from? and on the website it says "benefit weekend, oct the show over two days?


Get some!
Maybe its like their other shows. Western Sat and English Sunday?? I will email them to find out.


New Member
they gave her away to the same people that bought shaffa. i think they had some kids to ride her and were going to give c some money when they sold her. hmm


New Member
i got the full prize list, but its too big to attach

here's the email i got back from smha people:

The entry form for Sunday on the website can be used....flat classes are $11, over fences classes are $14, jumpers are $15, add back are $30. Still working on the final details....we are interested in making some money for the benefit and having a good time..this is our first time doing things like this so we are looking forward to it and a little anxious all at the same time. Thanks for asking!


New Member
just one day - the 12th
i got this email tonight:

Hi there...please use the entry form on the website for filling in the blanks with the numbers from this prize list....thanks! No membership or non-member fees apply, no discounts for pre-entry since we hope to make a fairly significant donation...thanks...but EMT and admin fees stand....


New Member
hey devine..
got room on trailer? I REALLY need to take indy to PG before the chapter challenge. Dont think i want to show him that day because i just want him to chill and see the scenes and relax... maybe lunge?