Smokey says...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...only you...

Reporters ask the Whitehouse: 'What did the President know and when did he know it and doesn't this represent another incredibly sophisticated attack that just illustrates the failures of his policies since his recession cost Smokey his job??"


Not dead yet.
I know its tounge in cheek and all, but didn't you think for a minute that some of the big fires in California might have been set? I hope that if they have to tolerate this that it at least burns off the fuel load out there so that the ecosystem can recover nicely.

Back before we had so much protection, most areas are rumored to have burned somewhat regularly, usually not so hot or devastating as there was not so much of the under growth to burn off and the fires never really got hot enough or lasted long enough to hurt the adult trees.

Maybe we can put nature back in balance by not helping it so much.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The tongue in cheek...

...part is about our beloved media.

People wrote in books for years about using jet airliners as flying bombs. Clancy even had them hitting the Capitol and wiping out a joint session of Congress.

Things in the whole country of Iraq are safer than the average big city in the US, but certainly there are going to be problems.

The fires could easily be terrorists. So could parking a truck full of fuel under a bridge on the beltway at rush hour. Stealing a small plane. Hi jack a crago jet. Sneak stuff into a harbour in over seas shipping containers. You name it.

Heck, this piece of junk missile launcher in Baghdad is descibed as 'highly sophisticated'.

My problem is the media could be so much more helpful by reporting instead of editorializing all the time.

What we'll hear is "Ahscroft, Bush FAIL to protect forest!"

It's pretty bad.