Smokey The Bear?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Bear Zapped to Death by Utility Pole

MANSFIELD, N.Y. - A bear spooked up a utility pole while feeding behind a restaurant here was killed Sunday night when it was zapped by 19,000 volts of electricity.

The 150-pound bear had been eating from a tipped-over grease barrel when either a dog or coyote is believed to have run by and scared the beast, causing it to run up the pole, according to the Star-Gazette of Elmira.

Some 25 feet into its climb, the bear hopped onto a cross-member, turning itself into an electric conductor.

That's when a 19,000-volt charged soared through the animal, killing it instantly and causing lights throughout the borough to flicker.

Workers searching for a short circuit afterward discovered the bear's charred remains.

A bucket truck was used to finally remove the carcass nearly nine hours later Monday morning.