Smoking and Lung Cancer


My mother has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer caused by years of smoking. Nor is she the first person in my family who will die of a smoking-related disease, as I have a grandfather who died of emphysema.

Seeing what my mom is going through, I can say that lung cancer has got to be one of the worst ways to die. It's matasticized to her brain, and her whole head is full of tumors.

This brings up the question: why do people smoke? There's no doubt that smoking causes lung cancer and other horrible diseases, yet people continue to do it.

I try to talk to some of the young people I know who smoke and how my mother has a brain full of tumors, and they don't want to hear about it. They all seem to think that it can't happen to them.

I've decided that anyone who smokes has got to be an absolute idiot!!!


Happy Camper
My mother has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer caused by years of smoking. Nor is she the first person in my family who will die of a smoking-related disease, as I have a grandfather who died of emphysema.

Seeing what my mom is going through, I can say that lung cancer has got to be one of the worst ways to die. It's matasticized to her brain, and her whole head is full of tumors.

This brings up the question: why do people smoke? There's no doubt that smoking causes lung cancer and other horrible diseases, yet people continue to do it.

I try to talk to some of the young people I know who smoke and how my mother has a brain full of tumors, and they don't want to hear about it. They all seem to think that it can't happen to them.

I've decided that anyone who smokes has got to be an absolute idiot!!!



Salt Life
My grandmother passed away about 3 years ago from lung cancer. She quit smoking more than 25 years prior when my grandfather (her husband) passed away from the same. She was gone w/in two weeks of her diagnosis. It was horrible and sad to watch her failing body.

Good luck w/your mom. My thoughts are with you. :huggy:


Happy Camper
My grandmother passed away about 3 years ago from lung cancer. She quit smoking more than 25 years prior when my grandfather (her husband) passed away from the same. She was gone w/in two weeks of her diagnosis. It was horrible and sad to watch her failing body.

Good luck w/your mom. My thoughts are with you. :huggy:

Your Grandparents were great people!! It's still hard for me to believe your Grandmom is gone. She was always just one of those people who you figured would be around forever. :huggy:


Salt Life
Your Grandparents were great people!! It's still hard for me to believe your Grandmom is gone. She was always just one of those people who you figured would be around forever. :huggy:
I know. :bawl: I miss her so much. She was truly a great, caring person (with too many damn neighborhood children. :lol:)


Obama destroyed America
This idiot would rather smoke and be sane and skinny than to not smoke, get fat, and get biatchier than I already naturally am. :yay:

Good idea though. Die early, sane, skinny and less biatchy. Your kids will appreciate that. :yay: :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I knew people that died of lung cancer and never smoked a cigarette in their life. :shrug:

Both of my great-grandparents died of cancer and neither one of them ever smoked. And I know at least two women who have/had breast cancer who didn't smoke.

Then there's the lady in my avatar:


b*tch rocket
Life is terminal, very rarely do any of us die without some form of pain and suffering. It sucks, but that's just how it is. :shrug:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
This brings up the question: why do people smoke? There's no doubt that smoking causes lung cancer and other horrible diseases, yet people continue to do it.

I've decided that anyone who smokes has got to be an absolute idiot!!!

I honestly can't answer "why" I continue to smoke, knowing first hand the disease it enables. I do know that it's not for your search that I will divulge the great mystery of my evil ways. I will probably not have an answer to divulge. It's simply my choice and I'm exercising it, good or bad. Like so many other things folks do to themselves that enable disease, when thoughtful of others, it can only harm oneself in the tense of the first person.

Like Christy said, life is terminal. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think busybodies who worry incessantly about the health of complete strangers should consider seeing someone. There's probably some syndrome or something that they could get medicated for.