Smoking Craving



I quit smoking 5 months ago...and today off and on have been having really bad cravings and tonight, super strong and even picked up my roommates ciggerrettes a few times to smoke and inhaled deeply although not lit. Physically it would be detrimental for me to smoke, last I heard from drs. I have a "very serious" esophogus condition(Barrettes disease) and with a lot of bleeding lesions - back in may. I'm still precancerous - I keep thinking maybe I can smoke JUST ONE. Anyone around? Heck by the time I finish my post on this, the craving has past... sort of... :ohwell: I'm still :drool: Any suggestions?
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I quit smoking 5 months ago...and today off and on have been having really bad cravings and tonight, super strong and even picked up my roommates ciggerrettes a few times to smoke and inhaled deeply although not lit. Physically it would be detrimental for me to smoke, last I heard from drs. I have a "very serious" esophogus condition(Barrettes disease) and with a lot of bleeding lesions - back in may. I'm still precancerous - I keep thinking maybe I can smoke JUST ONE. Anyone around? Heck by the time I finish my post on this, the craving has past... sort of... :ohwell: I'm still :drool: Any suggestions?

Do not smoke!!

I quit Aug 2, 2000 and have never picked up since..
But I have had cravings..what works for me is to remember how nasty it smells and how nasty I smelled...and how much I really hated smoking in the end.
What keeps me smoke free..knowing I dont have to turn my life over to yet another drug that will kill me.

Go brush your teeth, step outside and smell the crisp cool air, and be grateful you are smoke free!!!

The cravings will come and go....most are stress releated...dont give in!!

You CAN DO THIS DEMS!!!!:yahoo:


I quit smoking 5 months ago...and today off and on have been having really bad cravings and tonight, super strong and even picked up my roommates ciggerrettes a few times to smoke and inhaled deeply although not lit. Physically it would be detrimental for me to smoke, last I heard from drs. I have a "very serious" esophogus condition(Barrettes disease) and with a lot of bleeding lesions - back in may. I'm still precancerous - I keep thinking maybe I can smoke JUST ONE. Anyone around? Heck by the time I finish my post on this, the craving has past... sort of... :ohwell: I'm still :drool: Any suggestions?

Eat a carrot, sorta like a cigarette only bigger. Works for me and I have not smoked in 12 yrs.!

Oh lolipops work too!


thanks!! I rode the wave of craving successfully!! :yahoo: was just wondering if just one would be okay as I :drool: for a smoke... like all smokers that quit - I have the "no one loves a ciggerette more than me" too mentaliaty :lol:


thanks!! I rode the wave of craving successfully!! :yahoo: was just wondering if just one would be okay as I :drool: for a smoke... like all smokers that quit - I have the "no one loves a ciggerette more than me" too mentaliaty :lol:

having one will never be will want more.
the trick Dems is to NEVER have that "one" smoke again.
You brain is crafty and will trick you into getting what it wants...

Dont loose all the good you have is not worth it or your health!!!

I am proud of you and your 5 months smoke free!!!!!:yahoo:


having one will never be will want more.
the trick Dems is to NEVER have that "one" smoke again.
You brain is crafty and will trick you into getting what it wants...

Dont loose all the good you have is not worth it or your health!!!

I am proud of you and your 5 months smoke free!!!!!:yahoo:

Thanks, it hasn't been easy at all, but each day gets better but sometimes when you have a cigg and light right in front of you it gets easier for relapse... and last weekend it was just me walking around with a lit cigg not smoking ... how freakn tempting is that :jet: I'm a stubborn hard head... but I am learning... I'm a NON smoker :nerd: thanks for your input.


Thanks, it hasn't been easy at all, but each day gets better but sometimes when you have a cigg and light right in front of you it gets easier for relapse... and last weekend it was just me walking around with a lit cigg not smoking ... how freakn tempting is that :jet: I'm a stubborn hard head... but I am learning... I'm a NON smoker :nerd: thanks for your input.

Just think about how bad your clothes smelled when you smoked, and now how clean a fresh you feel after a shower and you put on your clothes. Your face is probably more skin colored then yellow and your cheeks probably have a healthier glow to them. For every one day that you don't smoke it's 2 days of your life back. It takes 10 years for your body to reverse the damage the cigarettes have done completely but trust me it is well worth it knowing my lungs are completely healthy again!


Slam your hand in a car door.
Pluck your chest hair.
Lick a battery.
Snort hot sauce.
Slap yourself in the face real hard.
Forward flip and land on your back.

Just a few things to take your mind off smoking :shrug: