SMTR Youth Meeting Friday 4/25/08!!


Rocky Mountain High!!
All SMTR Youth Members are invited to the meeting this Friday from 7-9pm at HappyAppyGirl’s House.

Agenda: There’s a lot of info to share, Work on Youth Web Page, Prepare for Father’s Day Ride, Prepare Trail Marking Ribbons, Work on Horse Skills, Discuss Upcoming Events.

Email HappyAppyGirl to RSVP and get directions

Youth Group will meet every other month as follows:
June 20TH, THIS IS KIDS NIGHT OUT at Muddy Bottom Farm in Clements from 7-11pm
August, Date TBD
Oct, Date TBD

Contact HappyAppyGirl if you would like to receive additional Youth information.

Other Events in planning:
National Trails Day-June 7, Cedarville Camping Clinic-June 28, Cedarville State Park
Trail Ride-June 29th
Movie night
Bowling in Waldorf
Ice Skating
Christmas Caroling


New Member
Hey sorry I missed, checked in the AM then went all day without the internet AHHHHHH. Let me know what happened.