Sneaky Couple


Pitty Party
Alice was becoming frustrated by her husband's insistence that they make love in the dark. Hoping to free him of his inhibitions, she flipped on her reading lamp one passionate night, only to find a cucumber in his hand.
"What is this," she asked, pointing to the vegetable, "What have you been using on me for the past five years?"

"Honey, let me explain..."

"Why, you sneaky bastard!" she screamed. "You impotent son of a..."

"Speaking of sneaky," her husband coolly interjected, "maybe you'd like to explain our three kids?"


Asperger's Poster Child

Back in the '80s, Mary Gross did a Dr. Ruth impression on Saturday Night Live. Responding to a wife who asked about her husband's "problem," the good doctor recommended feeding him cucumbers and carrots and bananas. "Not only will they be good for him, they will also be good for you."