SNL was Great


endangered species
Didn't see it, but

all major media are reporting that Gore will announce on 60 minutes tonite that he will NOT run.


New Member
This is a terrible day for our nation and my party...Al Gore was a great person...No extramarital affairs for this man. I seriously beleive that the person that we put up in his place is just going to be a sacrificial lamb. I feel so bad for Al, I have a real soft spot in my heat for him and I wish him the best of luck in the rest of his nonpolitical life.


Here is a surprise....

One answer may be Hillary's efforts to block Gore's fund raising.

NewsMax, in a special report by Carl Limbacher, "Hillary Plans for the Presidency," detailed Hillary's behind-the-scenes efforts to lock Gore out of the Democratic money machine.

The report detailed how Hillary had quietly been sidelining New York and Hollywood big-money Democrats, the base of the party's money machine, telling them not to donate to Gore and await either her decision to run or go with another candidate.

Also, the DNC's apparatus remains firmly under the Clintons' control, with the DNC headed by the Clintons' hand-picked DNC chief, Terry McAuliffe.

Gore must have clearly seen that his efforts to raise money would be stymied by Hillary.

Even after McAuliffe's and Hillary's debacle this past Election Day, McAuliffe and the Clintons remain firmly in the driver's seat.

In fact, they believe the Democrats have nowhere else to go.

Without Bill or Hill, who will draw a crowd in New York or Hollywood?

As detailed in the Special Report on Hillary's presidential plans, Hillary has long had a distaste for Gore and his wife, Tipper.

The dust-up between Hillary and Gore began on the day Bill Clinton was inaugurated.

Secret Service overheard the Clintons in a screaming match.

Hillary was demanding to occupy the vice president's office, next to the Oval Office.

Things between Gore and Hillary never improved.

Gore has told associates he blamed Hillary for his loss in 2000.

Gore claimed that Hillary's Senate run pulled precious White House and DNC resources, not to mention national media attention, from his campaign.


I was wondering why the media wasn't calling for Gore's head after all those racist remarks he made Saturday night. Yeah, he was suppossed to be playing Lott, but the words came out of Gore's mouth. He could have said "Loren, I just can't utter such hateful words, even as satire. Nope... I won't do it!" Instead, he said them with a tone that made me think that maybe it wasn't an act. After all... it wasn't Lott's family that made the black maid wait out in the car while the white family ate at the restaurant.

If words like this can't be said in a light-hearted setting like a birthday party, why are they ok on national TV?