Snoop on your lover's dreams


Lawful neutral

If you have ever wondered what - or who - your partner dreams about, there’s an app for that.

Curious people can use their smartphone to record what their partners say in their sleep, perhaps revealing details and desires they might keep to themselves during the day.

The Sleep Talk Recorder app listens for noises while people slumber and starts recording the second it hears any mumbling during the night.


Raisin cane
A man friend of mine told me once that he never called women by their name....he just called them all 'Boo'. That way, he would never utter someone else's name in his sleep or in the heat of the moment.
If you have ever wondered what - or who - your partner dreams about, there’s an app for that.

Curious people can use their smartphone to record what their partners say in their sleep, perhaps revealing details and desires they might keep to themselves during the day.

The Sleep Talk Recorder app listens for noises while people slumber and starts recording the second it hears any mumbling during the night.

Seriously... if someone wants out of a relationship enough that they're going to snoop on their partner trying to find an excuse, they should just... you know.. get out of the relationship.

And if they don't think they want out of the relationship, yet they feel compelled to snoop on their partner like this, that should be their first clue that, on some level - perhaps subconsciously, they do want out of the relationship. At the very least it should tell them that something's wrong with the relationship and it's significant enough that they should tackle it head on rather than pussyfooting around. The latter isn't likely to lead to a desirable outcome (unless drama, in itself, would be considered a desirable outcome).

But what the hell do I know? I'm probably way out in left field on this one. What was the name of that app again?


Lem Putt
It's obviously only for use by men since women already know how to crush our dreams. There's nothing left for them to snoop on.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The implication here is that what we dream is what we really want, in real life, and that is absurd. Dreams may well be influenced, to some extent, by secret desires but, dreams are also influenced by all sorts of things. Anyone claiming to have THE understanding of dreams, where they come from, what they mean, what they say about you as a person, your 'true' wants and so forth is...dreaming.

The app should be called Icrap


Lawful neutral
I’d get it just so she could hear herself fart & giggle all night while she sleeps.


Surely you jest ...
A man friend of mine told me once that he never called women by their name....he just called them all 'Boo'. That way, he would never utter someone else's name in his sleep or in the heat of the moment.

Did you know my ex? Just kidding he didn't use 'Boo'. Wow this post hit close to home, but I suppose many men use the same tricks. He talked in his sleep and would answer softly asked and repeated questions eventually. Fun times.



Well-Known Member
The implication here is that what we dream is what we really want, in real life, and that is absurd.

The Jungian approach to interpreting dreams is the reverse - instead of interpreting desire from what you dream, you should think about what you feel already, and how the dream interprets THAT.
So, if you feel anxious and ill-prepared, you will create a dream like having a test you weren't ready for. If you are secretly worried that you will be "found out" you will dream about being naked and
frantically searching for clothes. If you are afraid but not sure why, you will have a nightmare about an unknown enemy. If you feel you can't get away (and want to), you'll be chased in your
dreams and maybe you'll fly. And so on.

I have to admit, it is simply the best way to see what we have similar dreams within the same culture - I imagine in a different culture, the same feelings would create different dreams.