But what is it accomplishing?
I see what you're saying, but I have to go the other way: I think it is accomplishing something. I think
@Kyle is correct wrt the Dem Party & MSM. Epstein's death is a meme attack on what many (probably, mostly on the Right, but not exclusively) see as deep-seated corruption on the part of the Dems/Left and the MSM.
At worst, this Epstein meme thing is working as second-level (pro-Right) persuasion during this impeachment farce and in the run-up to the 2020 elections (whether it actually helps Trump's reelection or Repub retaking of the House/keeping of the Senate will never be known). At best, it may help - in conjunction with the outrage directed at ABC - to prompt a relook at Epstein's interactions with his "friends." Just as it is taking (more than) a bit to unravel the BS that was Mueller, it will take awhile to work through this.
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