we are...impeachment inquiry


Well-Known Member
What a sad day for this country.

While the cultists and ignorati types run around proclaiming "Deep State" corruption and MSM lead "TDS", the real truth of the matter is that Donald Trump brought this upon himself. He isn't playing 4d chess. He didn't push the Dems into this as a masterful piece of political chess. No, Donald Trump is everything you were told he was and worse.

While you cultist, ignorati types might proclaim to be for the "rule of law", it is quite clear that the lot of you think it only applies to your political adversaries (naturally you refer to them as "enemies"...a further indictment of your so called "Patriotism".)

Donald Trump has no respect for the law, the rules or even common decency.

He obviously attempted to obstruct justice during the Mueller investigation, the report shows that. While the report didn't show a clear connection between Russia and the Trump campaign, it clearly stated that the campaign knew the Russian interference was for their benefit.

Yet, Congress took no action.

Under the law, the administration is required to furnish tax filings of individual when properly requested. Trump refused. Congress took no action. (Again, the law clearly states that the documents must be turned over)

Individuals involved with the WH or the campaign have been requested to testify before Congress. The individuals simply refused to answer questions. They had no grounds whatsoever not to answer the questions, they just refused. For those who don't understand, which is most on here, that is not how the "rule of law" works. Congress did nothing.

When subpoenaed, Trump ordered people not to appear or not to answer questions. He didn't apply Executive Privilege...he just ordered them not to appear. This is not how the rule of law works. This is how a dictatorship works. Congress did nothing.

Now we have this Ukraine issue. The Administration is required, by law, to turn over the whistleblower complaint to Congress. Trump refused. Again completely pissing on the rule of law you people claim to care sooooo much about.

So here we are...with an inept, incompetent and unfit President...a man who cares about nothing but himself...a man who has done nothing to bring the country together...a man who has done severe damage to the global image this country has worked so hard to cultivate over the past 70 years...a man who cares nothing for the rule of law.

The adults have been warning him for 2 1/2 years to get his sh*t together. But he won't listen to anyone and his cult-like followers believe everything he here we are...


What a sad day for this country.

While the cultists and ignorati types run around proclaiming "Deep State" corruption and MSM lead "TDS", the real truth of the matter is that Donald Trump brought this upon himself. He isn't playing 4d chess. He didn't push the Dems into this as a masterful piece of political chess. No, Donald Trump is everything you were told he was and worse.

And when he wins in 2020, I look forward to more of your :jameo: :cds: entertainment.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What a sad day for this country.

Why, because Nancy told you that something new is happening, when it's the same crap that's been going on for over 3 years?

What do you think an "impeachment inquiry" is?

What do you think the Mueller report was?

Now we have this Ukraine issue.

Oh, you mean the investigation into Joe Biden using his office to enrich his son and keep the po-po off his back?

As it stands, the GOP is looking at a clean sweep in 2020. And Nancy Pelosi knows that. She keeps trying to tell the crazy progs in her party, but they won't listen. Nadler is drunk with power and fame - finally he has some cameras on him and a microphone in his face. Hell, he's freaking passing out with excitement. Schiff, same. And in another year they'll be a trivia question that nobody remembers the answer to.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Imma wait until the call transcripts come out. Until then we can watch the video of Biden bragging about getting the investigation squashed by threatening to withhold money. "Call Barack" I believe was his mic drop line.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
What a sad day for this country.
Substitute "Dem(s)" for "Trump." And substitute "tax returns" (etc.) with "open borders," "gun confiscation," etc. Let's see what we have....

While the cultists and ignorati types run around proclaiming...
...climate apocalypse, Russian interference, "Hillary did nothing wrong with her private server and didn't mishandle classified info," "the election was stolen" (pick your election), etc.

So here we are...with an inept, incompetent and unfit...
...House of Representatives.

Yup, here we are...

All things considered, I'm more than happy with Trump. Even if only for the reason that the alternatives on offer are far, far, far worse.

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Active Member


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Let's add this very interesting thread from AoS:

It leads with this post at the NY Post:

Be astounded at the similarities with "Russia, Russia, Russia."

Also, take note in the AoS thread of this tweet by the lukewarm Trump supporter/hater Ben Shapiro:

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God bless the USA
This Trump impeachment thing will go down as the biggest hissy fit in our Country, ever. I hope in the end that they are embarrassed, and prosecuted. Probably, won’t happen, but there is, always, hope for change.
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Well-Known Member
Let's add this very interesting thread from AoS:

It leads with this post at the NY Post:

Be astounded at the similarities with "Russia, Russia, Russia."

Also, take note in the AoS thread of this tweet by the lukewarm Trump supporter/hater Ben Shapiro:

--- End of line (MCP)

Yeah, I saw that this morning as well. Un-freaking-believable.