So here's the thing:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

NYC passed a "reparations bill", but don't expect to see a pay day.

Councilmembers Crystal Hudson and Farah Louis sponsored a pair of bills to establish a Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Commission and a reparations task force. Both bills passed on Thursday and will be effective immediately.

Translation: they're going to pay a bunch of people a ton of money to "study the problem". They say it flat out:

The press release detailed how the commission would "establish facts about slavery in New York City and its ongoing legacies, protect and acknowledge affected persons and communities, and recommend changes for government and institutions to prevent the perpetuation and recurrence of injustices from the legacy of slavery."

You'd think people would be smarter and stop voting for these hucksters, and yet here they are.


Power with Control
The true reparations are going to the people who are smart enough figure out how to milk the government and charitable teat. That NGO dam


Well-Known Member
The real reparations should to the people who were killed in the draft riots and the people who were drafted to fight in the Civil War.
Here is New York. Filled to overflowing with illegals New York paying a ton of money keeping these illegals in hotels and in what used to be rec, area's and now they think they can afford to hand the Gimmedats checks .How many whites will be on this commission. Glad I don't live in New York and have my tax money handed over to people who are owed nothing.