So how was SMHA?


Podunk FL
Hotter than the hinges...

I didn't show, just drove.

Sat in the a/c'd show office and worked on formatting Saturday's points for the website.


New Member

my new horse's first show! he did fine considering his brain. even got a nice ribbon over fences!


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
It was burtally hot at SMHA this weekend. If you wore a jacket in the show ring you would get excused. Even in the Medal Finals they were told no jackets.

We placed 3rd and 4th in 2 out of our 3 classes with I think 12 in each class. Big girls feet were sore from having new shoes put on Friday so she wasn't moving her best, but she tried. In one class a big grey got loose, ran around the ring, followed my horse down the fence line, and then later in the class the girl behind me her horse acted up, bucked her off, and the horse went flying by us. Then in the same class the announcer asked us to halt and that put me right infront of the judge. Was alot for a 4yr. old TB brain to handle, but she stayed calm. Glad she decide she didn't want to join in on all the crazy fun. :killingme

Hey Sparks I may have to come out to play with your Willow this fall. Maybe do some hunter paces and cross country stuff.:yahoo:

HeavyChevy thanks for the ride up to SMHA.:howdy:
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