So I follow this "Marylanders in Florida" FB group....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I had to mute them, though, because all they talk about is food they miss, and not even the good stuff that they genuinely can't get in FL. Contrary to popular belief, we have blue crabs in FL, and the restaurant crabcakes are hit or miss just like in MD. In fact your "Maryland" blue crabs probably came from the Louisiana Gulf. And scrapple, like we don't have that right at Publix.

Me, I'd give anything for a stuffed ham sandwich.

I also want Chaptico Market fried chicken.

We get good sweet corn here, but not like at Russell's stand.



the poor dad
I’ve never heard of anyone moving to Florida for the food, or any state for that matter. Now Italy - yeah I could see me moving there for the food and wine.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I’ve never heard of anyone moving to Florida for the food, or any state for that matter.

You might vacation in Maine for the food - lobster pounds, belly clams, and amazing clam chowder. I'd go to Iowa for a MaidRite and onion chips. But the only state I'd move to for the food is Texas. BBQ, Mexican, Tex-Mex, fresh made tortillas - I could (and did) eat that every day.


Well-Known Member
I’ve never heard of anyone moving to Florida for the food, or any state for that matter. Now Italy - yeah I could see me moving there for the food and wine.
I’ve often thought, what would an ancient Roman think, if after hearing that Italy is still around after two thousand years - that the Colosseum still stands - and he might ask - do people fear and respect Rome? What is Italy known for throughout the world.

Oh - you know - food - wine - fashion - opera - sports cars.

Maybe he would just drop dead.