So - is it Biden?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I wish I was related to Joe. I could use an $80,000 a month, no show job.


Well-Known Member
There are an awful lot of maybes and ifs in that article, but even if it’s true it doesn’t change anything. He didn’t work ‘for biden’, he worked ‘for the cia and was assigned to the whitehouse/ukraine’. That’s the same role he supposedly held under trump. That’s hardly damning
There's nothing, other than violating the ever-changing standards, values, mores of the left, that's in any way damning to anyone on the left.


Well-Known Member
They know he was CIA, now that he worked with Biden,
They know he was at the WH.
The guy met with Schiff.
Then they said he was a Democrat supporter.
With all of this knowledge how do they manage to keep him hidden?

I think he is a figment of Schiff's imagination.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Captain Tuttle".


Since when do we impeach Presidents based on the non-testimony of an anonymous person with secondhand information? In the real world we call that a "rumor" and it's not a basis for criminal charges. This is just another ugly fascist precedent set by the Left. It's time to disband that Party.


Well-Known Member
It will be the Valerie Plame excuse. You don't want to give up the identity of an undercover agent. Even if he's not.

A guy on FOX said that by process of elimination and a couple obvious clues - the NYT has pretty much given her away.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
How is being a career CIA agent who gets assigned to the whitehouse incriminating for the WB?
Not saying it's incriminating to anyone. What I am saying is that getting posted to the WH comes as a result of both professional expertise/competence and a sense by the WH that you're a team player (i.e., see things the same way as the WH that's hiring you).

So loyalty develops. My "theory" (for lack of a better word) is that this person, still assigned to the WH, heard of something that put his/her/xer previous administration buddy (in this case, Biden) into potential political difficulty. A straw that broke this camel's back...?

In any event, the problematic portion in all of this is this CIA person putting politics ahead of his/her/xer service oath. To me (a personal thing, I admit) there is no greater "crime." It's, as ST:tNG's Worf would put it, "dishonoring." And I would argue, criminal.

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