So it wasn't firecrackers-


New Member
it's so horrible what this world has come to today. no one has any pride to work for what they want. Instead they steal and kill for it. I hope that those burglars get syphillis in their asses and have to wear diapers for the rest of their lives


Well-Known Member
This area is not one of the nicest area's of Waldorf, behind Lowe's off of Acton Lane, proably more to the story, drug dealing gone bad is my guess.


Just Giving My Opinion
New Townhomes (4yrs old) behind Loews and Home Depot is ok but the run down apartment complex and older townhomes is the drug /crime area.


New Member's story says:

"Preliminary investigation revealed the four victims were seated inside the vehicle when four or five suspects, described as black males wearing dark clothing and masks, approached them.

While the Washington Post reports:

"Four or five men wearing dark clothing and masks and armed with handguns approached the victims' vehicle, a 2005 Dodge Magnum, police said.

Why is the Washington Post afraid to say that the suspects were black?


New Member
twobit said:
Why is the Washington Post afraid to say that the suspects were black?

They aren't yet sure if they were really black, or if they had just stayed at a Holiday Inn Express the night before. :shrug: