So, there are some openings now on the Heat roster

I'm trying to decide whether I should sign with them for the minimum or hold out for more money from someone who has more cap space left.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Depends on how bad you want a ring!

If he wants a ring, why would he consider signing with the Heat?

prince laBron (note small 'l' and no longer a king, for damn sure) has made it absolutely impossible for him to ever be in the same class as the true greats; Jordan, Bird, Magic, Kobe, no matter how many rings he wins as part of someone else's team.

By definition, the true greats, a very, very limited class, made it happen where they were drafted, as the leaders, as the focus.

laBron chose now and forever more to be nothing more than a piece, not the focus. And that is fine. If you've follow him, you know that he has not been the closer, not had the killer instinct, the win or die trying attitude of the greats anyway. He is a loser in the clutch. And that's fine. He's rich. He's a decent member of society.

He simply does not have anything more than fantastic raw talent. He's not a leader.

Now, as to winning, I will be shocked if they do win a title unless they get some great support guys. Is laBron big enough to step aside and let Wade continue to be the man? Will laBron hold up under the incredible expectations and pressure of now being expected to win it all?

As I say, this move makes it impossible for him to ever be one of the top greats. I also think the move makes it more unlikely to win than to go all the way. And, on top of that, even if they do, the vast majority of the joy, the greatness of overcoming that Jordan did, that Magic did, that Bird did, that Kobe does, will make it rather thin anyway.

He was an immature man child before but, he was young. Now, he's chosen to stay that way for his career.
