so this is where C Dodd went ..........




after sponsoring so much legislation for RIAA;

No SOPA blackout? We know who you are

In a spasm of irony so ridiculous as to be funny MPAA chairman and CEO, former senator Chris Dodd, wrote of the blackouts, "It is also an abuse of power given the freedoms these companies enjoy in the marketplace today."

Words almost fail me. Here we have huge public and industry opposition to legislation that is staggeringly, stupefyingly, unequivocally bad for the Internet, bad for business ... in fact, bad in just about every imaginable way, yet major Internet industry players just carry on chasing profits and think that their contribution to the opposition movement, i.e. simply paying lip service, was adequate.

To all of the companies that didn't display their opposition by observing a blackout, who handed out weasel words in an attempt to justify their lack of real solidarity: We know who you are. If SOPA and or PIPA passes, don't think we won't remember that you cared more about your profits than you did about our freedoms.


When you stop and think that guy couldn't be a bigger tool, he always comes up with something more insane.