So what happened in front of Ledo's


New Member
...........on 235? When I was coming home from work, they were airlifting someone out of the parking lot next to the movie theatre. Went I went to turn onto 235 by Ledo's, there were fire trucks and police cars everywhere. All I saw was a smashed black car.


professional daydreamer
Looked like they had to cut somebody out of that car. That's all I could see. The rest were vehicles with pretty bubble lights.

At least they had a lane open so people could get through, but that was probably just because they could have turned right if they hadn't been able to go straight.


White car T-Boned the red car......dead in the drivers door, there was steam rolling out of the white cars hood when I went by, no cops yet and lots of people flipping out.


Lem Putt
rack'm said:
White car T-Boned the red car......dead in the drivers door, there was steam rolling out of the white cars hood when I went by, no cops yet and lots of people flipping out.
You didn't stop to help?