St. Mary's Liquor Board and County Pull Permits for Boatman's Concert;
Promoter Moving Event to Seaside View, County Says its News to Them.
..more coming....
LEONARDTOWN --- After residents of Ridge produced a petition with more than 125 names on it protesting the planning concert at Boatman's South bar ball field on July 28th, the St. Mary's Liquor Board suspended the approval for the bar to have outdoor sales of alcohol for 18 months due to violations which took place on June 16th.
The board heard from neighbors and police about noise violations last month and took action at the board's July 12th meeting.
Scott Boatman told ST. MARY'S TODAY that he had permission from the American Legion to park cars at the legion hall and was working with St. Michaels Church to park cars. But a Legion official told the board last week that his group had not given permission to park vehicles on their property and that they would be preventing anyone from parking there the night of the concert.
At issue are reports that Boatman had presold more than 2500 tickets for the event, a prospect that has neighbors and officials worried that the concert will turn into a mess. Boatman says he has only sold 500 tickets for the event and denies a published report to the contrary.
Boatman said today that his promoter has moved the event to Seaside View, a campground and restaurant in St. Inigoes.
The county liquor board clerk said that she didn't have any information about a change in location.
County officials now realize that they need to set up a coordinated process for applying for an outdoor concert or music festival and according to liquor board clerk Patsy Insley, they are drawing up a process.
In the 1970's a series of outdoor music festivals took place at Take it Easy Ranch with some working out fine and one of them resulting in a murder.
The Goddard family puts on their outdoor concert every year without any problems and several events are held during the year at the county fair ground.
But it appears that the close proximity of Boatman's bar and ball field to their neighbors is at the crux of the matter in this event.
Neighbors of Boatman's told the board that foul and obscene lyrics to the loud music were broadcast to the neighborhood causing them great concern for their families.
Commissioner Dan Raley (D. Great Mills), who testified as a private citizen last week at the liquor board, said today that the county would carefully approach how to set up a permitting process so as to not endanger activities such as the Jazz Festival at Colton's Point, Goddard's festival or the River Concert Series at St. Mary's City. "Too often government responds to a problem with a solution that is far overdone," said Raley.
St. Mary's Liquor Board and County Pull Permits for Boatman's Concert;
Promoter Moving Event to Seaside View, County Says its News to Them.
..more coming....
LEONARDTOWN --- After residents of Ridge produced a petition with more than 125 names on it protesting the planning concert at Boatman's South bar ball field on July 28th, the St. Mary's Liquor Board suspended the approval for the bar to have outdoor sales of alcohol for 18 months due to violations which took place on June 16th.
The board heard from neighbors and police about noise violations last month and took action at the board's July 12th meeting.
Scott Boatman told ST. MARY'S TODAY that he had permission from the American Legion to park cars at the legion hall and was working with St. Michaels Church to park cars. But a Legion official told the board last week that his group had not given permission to park vehicles on their property and that they would be preventing anyone from parking there the night of the concert.
At issue are reports that Boatman had presold more than 2500 tickets for the event, a prospect that has neighbors and officials worried that the concert will turn into a mess. Boatman says he has only sold 500 tickets for the event and denies a published report to the contrary.
Boatman said today that his promoter has moved the event to Seaside View, a campground and restaurant in St. Inigoes.
The county liquor board clerk said that she didn't have any information about a change in location.
County officials now realize that they need to set up a coordinated process for applying for an outdoor concert or music festival and according to liquor board clerk Patsy Insley, they are drawing up a process.
In the 1970's a series of outdoor music festivals took place at Take it Easy Ranch with some working out fine and one of them resulting in a murder.
The Goddard family puts on their outdoor concert every year without any problems and several events are held during the year at the county fair ground.
But it appears that the close proximity of Boatman's bar and ball field to their neighbors is at the crux of the matter in this event.
Neighbors of Boatman's told the board that foul and obscene lyrics to the loud music were broadcast to the neighborhood causing them great concern for their families.
Commissioner Dan Raley (D. Great Mills), who testified as a private citizen last week at the liquor board, said today that the county would carefully approach how to set up a permitting process so as to not endanger activities such as the Jazz Festival at Colton's Point, Goddard's festival or the River Concert Series at St. Mary's City. "Too often government responds to a problem with a solution that is far overdone," said Raley.