So who's ahead?


Well-Known Member
At this point - I have no idea WHAT polls have any degree of accuracy. I do tend to give considerable weight to the general political lean from whatever site I go to, to find out. Thus, extreme right leaning sites not only have Trump winning, but some of them by a LOT. JUST this morning, I've been to two sites that have on one hand, Trump sweeping the "three" battleground states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania - and another that says EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE.

I JUST read two other sites that declare that Dems are in a slight panic, because they deliberately juiced the numbers to make Kamala appear more popular than she actually IS.

A few that are close but differ on who has the "national" lead, as though that means anything. Most times, in a close race, the Democrat will have that, partly because a state like California has 40 million people and they have been voting more than TWO THIRDS Democrat for about 30 years. For example, if you totally pull California out of the equation in 2016, Trump not only wins the Electoral College but the "national" vote as well. Such is the influence of states with high population that collectively mostly vote for ONE party. I thought it interesting that Trump had a MASSIVE rally at Coachella - because if you vote Republican in California - your vote usually doesn't count. Like at all. Ditto New York state. And MANY blue states, actually all of them, have the "red" totally dwarfed by incredibly lopsided voting in the largest city, while the rest of the state goes - mostly - red.

It USED TO BE - I'd go with the betting sites. You can dither all you want on the issues, but people who wager MONEY are likely to have it locked down. Didn't happen the last couple cycles. I also would tend to look at Wall Street and corporations, because they have BILLIONS on the line. Not always right, especially 2020. Lastly, I looked at polling firms with a history of being right. NO ONE is all that accurate over more than two cycles.

The last two Presidential elections, we had what they term "the shy Trump voter" - voters reluctant to say they were voting Trump because - sadly - repercussions. People bold enough to declare support for Trump often find themselves PAYING for it from the kind, merciful understanding American Left, the champion of free expression. So at LEAST twice, the polls UNDERCOUNTED Trump in their polling. I am pretty sure they have taken that into account.

So - who will win? I have no idea. I cannot for the life of me fathom why ANYONE would purposely vote for Kamala EXCEPT they despise Trump ENOUGH to vote for ANYTHING ELSE. I also know people whom I consider very astute and bright determined to vote against him, although their stated reasons are ridiculous. BUT I also know that across the country, for the first time in decades, there are actually MORE registered Republicans than Democrats, and the trend in many states is party switching.

In 2016, I stayed up to watch the results, despondent that Hillary would win - the one person I considered far and away the most corrupt and odious person in politics, who never refrained for a second how MUCH she despised those who disagree with her politically (an attitude which she has actually DOUBLED DOWN ON recently).

Nope. No clue.


Well-Known Member
So - who will win? I have no idea. I cannot for the life of me fathom why ANYONE would purposely vote for Kamala EXCEPT they despise Trump ENOUGH to vote for ANYTHING ELSE. I also know people whom I consider very astute and bright determined to vote against him, although their stated reasons are ridiculous. BUT I also know that across the country, for the first time in decades, there are actually MORE registered Republicans than Democrats, and the trend in many states is party switching.

The vast majority can't give you a sane reason.


Well-Known Member
The vast majority can't give you a sane reason.
And so it has been, for three election cycles.

Hillary's main campaign point - NOT Trump - oh, and a woman.
Biden? Loan forgiveness - oh and - NOT TRUMP
Kamala? NOT Trump - yeah and a HANDFUL of very vague ideas which no one can name.

Hillary had, at least, decades of involvment in Washington - none of which I would declare stellar - but she HAD been First Lady, a Senator and Secretary of State. Joe had been a Senator longer than most of his voters had been alive.

Kamala's resume may be long - but only in the legal profession - she, like Obama, began running for President just two years into her first and only term as a Senator. That, and being VP are the two jobs she NEVER TALKS ABOUT, because she basically sat on her ass and did photo ops.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The polls are bullshit. If they send Democrats over the edge of sanity, yay, but other than that they're pointless anymore. If they were accurate they'd all agree, or at least be close. And they wouldn't show daily shifts because I don't believe for one second that voters change their mind day to day.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I also know people whom I consider very astute and bright determined to vote against him, although their stated reasons are ridiculous.

Let me point out that they can't be *too* astute and bright, then, can they?

They may be good at a thing, but that doesn't mean they're all around intelligent.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Somebody, maybe Byron York, said yesterday there are likely no undecided voters left. The push now is to get those who usually do not vote out to the polls.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
All these reporters and pollsters (and politicians) need to pull their head out of their ass. They are so insulated in their hivemind bubble that they have no idea how normal people think. They're all "Oh here's why voters are (doing this thing)," and it's like, f'in liar, you did not talk to a single person who told you that, you completely made it up.


Its like Brian Stelter going, "Well *my* neighborhood doesn't have crime! *My* roads aren't crumbling! *My* schools are great!" Okay, rich media person, because *you* live in an upscale gated community with money to spare, that clearly means everyone does.


And then you try to tell them what's going on in the real world and they're all, "Nuh uh....."

A story:

My friend and I have a catchphrase we use when someone is clearly wrong and won't admit it: " don't think that's what it is...." This stems from being in the car with another friend (a Democrat, btw) and "I'd Really Love To See You Tonight" came on the radio. She said, "I never understood what they're saying in that line." Friend and I said, "He's saying 'I'm not talkin' 'bout movin' in, and I don't want to change your life....' " She thought about it for a second and said, " don't think that's what it is...."


Even after the chorus came on again and we walked her through it! " don't think that's what it is...."


Shew! I mean, how do you respond to people like that?


Well-Known Member
All these reporters and pollsters (and politicians) need to pull their head out of their ass. They are so insulated in their hivemind bubble that they have no idea how normal people think. They're all "Oh here's why voters are (doing this thing)," and it's like, f'in liar, you did not talk to a single person who told you that, you completely made it up.


Its like Brian Stelter going, "Well *my* neighborhood doesn't have crime! *My* roads aren't crumbling! *My* schools are great!" Okay, rich media person, because *you* live in an upscale gated community with money to spare, that clearly means everyone does.


And then you try to tell them what's going on in the real world and they're all, "Nuh uh....."

A story:

My friend and I have a catchphrase we use when someone is clearly wrong and won't admit it: " don't think that's what it is...." This stems from being in the car with another friend (a Democrat, btw) and "I'd Really Love To See You Tonight" came on the radio. She said, "I never understood what they're saying in that line." Friend and I said, "He's saying 'I'm not talkin' 'bout movin' in, and I don't want to change your life....' " She thought about it for a second and said, " don't think that's what it is...."


Even after the chorus came on again and we walked her through it! " don't think that's what it is...."


Shew! I mean, how do you respond to people like that?
In logical topics it’s referred to as “invincible ignorance”.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Even after the chorus came on again and we walked her through it! " don't think that's what it is...."


Shew! I mean, how do you respond to people like that?
You pull over to the shoulder of the road, open their door...and physically kick them out...preferably while the car is still moving...
Get that type of insane negativity out of your life...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Not gonna lie, I'm smiling at the polls saying Kamala is getting smoked. Mainly because I know the cultbots see it too and are laying awake all night screaming into their pillow.


Well-Known Member
Not gonna lie, I'm smiling at the polls saying Kamala is getting smoked. Mainly because I know the cultbots see it too and are laying awake all night screaming into their pillow.
If the polls were actually ACCURATE last time - and Biden got elected without a shred of outright theft - then, yeah, it's encouraging.

I'm a little uneasy with the numbers of early votes - because STILL, Republicans tend to wait until Election Day. Massive early voting suggests to me, massive turnout for Kamala. There's still millions of people out there who just HATE the guy without even a good REASON.


Well-Known Member
I could never hate anyone bad enough to sell my country out.

For Example. I dislike Fat Larry immensely, but I will vote for him---------------for my country. Not for Fat Larry