Soccer or BB game?


New Member
Anyone know of any group of peeps that get together for a good soccer (true football actually) game? If you do, could you let me know of the location and schedule?


They're out to get us
Anyone know of any group of peeps that get together for a good soccer (true football actually) game? If you do, could you let me know of the location and schedule?

Please leave this country. There is no room for people who call it "football". Thanks and goodbye. :biggrin:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Anyone know of any group of peeps that get together for a good soccer (true football actually) game? If you do, could you let me know of the location and schedule?

A question; seeings how you play the game for fun thus serious about the game, what would you think of a change in the offsides rules?

My thought is that this opens up more fast break plays, would lead to a few more goals and garner more widespread attention in the US.

Would it ruin the game in your view?

Hockey (NHL) has gotten rid of the two line pass and added a delayed offsides call without eliminating offside and it has given the game room to breath and for the excellent skill players to really perform and it's leading to a resurgence of hockey appreciation.

My thought is that if soccer eliminated the prissy way a defender can basically make the offensive player offsides, it might be good for the game.

Thoughts? :buddies: