Socialists Furious With Lieberman


No Use for Donk Twits
Another example of Socialists stifling dissenting opinion!

Jewish Dem ire boils over on Lieberman

Jewish Democrats are anxious that Sen. Joe Lieberman’s support for Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) will hurt their own nominee’s chances with voters of their faith.

Their increasing frustration came to a head Wednesday when liberal activists and bloggers dropped off a petition calling for Democratic leaders to remove Lieberman, an Independent from Connecticut who caucuses with the Democrats, as chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in the next Congress. The petition contained 43,000 signatures.

But their frustration also has been building for months. And many of them have silently gritted their teeth while one of the most well-known Jewish members of Congress, who served as their vice presidential candidate in 2000, has sought to drive Jews even further from presumptive Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.).

“Joe Lieberman, a friend of mine, just sees life differently,” Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) said recently. “And so it’s too bad. We miss him.”

Lautenberg has been one of the most vocal Jewish lawmakers working to refute Lieberman’s claims that McCain, not Obama, offers the best path on dealing with Iran and securing the safety of Israel.


Lautenberg, who said he was saddened by Lieberman’s notable absence at the press conference, acknowledged that his fellow members of the faith have their work cut out for them in this area. “I believe there are some misunderstandings, yes, and I’ve seen it directly in conversations I’ve had with people,” Lautenberg said. “And people don’t know Obama, and there are suspicions being supported by what’s being thrown out by the Republicans.”

Lieberman is about the only Democrat who's held true to the original beliefs of the Democrats and hasn't gone over to the DarkKos side of Soros. And those of the Jewish faith are correct to take pause over Obama's shifting (to put it kindly) of positions. We'll see how long he remains chair of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. My guess is not long. - Jewish Dem ire boils over on Lieberman


Give Obamanations Support for Palestiniens, Hamas and other ME Terror Groups, all with offices and money raising machines right in Chicago ....

I would not be supporting this dude either, If I was Jewish .... :whistle:

although Debbie is in Detroit, it still gives you a good feel for what is going on in Il ...

Debbie Schlussel

Debbie Schlussel: Letters to the Editor of the Day: Answering the Boy Who Cried "Wolf", er . . . Islamophobia

By Debbie Schlussel

Last week, on the eve of Independence Day, the Wall Street Journal Op-ed page ran a piece by Islamofascist Junaid Afeef, "Obama Should Embrace His Muslim Heritage." The piece contained the usual BS you hear from Islamic Spokesmodels: that Islam is peaceful, that most Muslims are moderate, that they are the victims of all of us who are unduly prejudiced, that they would all put down their AK-47s and disposable Tracfone IEDs tomorrow if only Obama would embrace his ties to them, yadda, yadda, yadda, dogpoop, dogpoop, dogpoop.

Well, it seems that the well educated WSJ readers aren't buyin'. Today, the Journal ran a selection of letters, and every single one of 'em is good. The first one, I don't agree with the first half of it. But the last sentence is pretty good. I'm putting that letter last. The rest are excellent!:

It is not irrational to fear Islam when we daily see property being destroyed and people murdered by terrorists, who use Islamic teachings and quote directly from Quranic verses to justify their actions.

Moderate Muslims have not been able to use theology to effectively refute the terrorists. We see the lack of women's rights and lack of freedoms that exist wherever Islam rules. All cultures are not equal and we don't want the Islamic culture introduced into the West. Our ancestors worked too long and too hard for the freedoms that we have, and we don't want to be taken back to a 7th-century misogynistic, totalitarian ideology that cloaks itself within religious doctrine in order to hide its true goal of world domination.

George McCallum
Bethesda, Md.​


I believe the anti-Muslim sentiments are not a product of fear or a lack of understanding. Rather they are based on a perception that Islam and mainstream democratic values are somehow irreconcilable.

Maneesha Sharma
Charlotte, N.C.​


I can't say that I have read, seen or heard everything, but since 9/11 the Muslim world community has not raised its voice in anger against the terrorist perpetrators of evil. Why not? They raise their voices against cartoonists and authors; why not against killers?

Those in the Muslim world who stay silent are the true Islamophobes. Do they fear their own religion and so do not dare risk challenging the killers?

Mr. Afeef, look inward, and get your imams to issue fatwas condemning Osama bin Laden and all his ilk at every mosque world-wide and Islamophobia will disappear.

Alan A. Fleischer
New Canaan, Conn.​


Rather than trying to debunk the bigotry of Islamophobes, I would ask Mr. Afeef to address the shortcomings of his own faith and its lack of a discernible, peaceful direction. Don't smear the African-Americans, Chinese, Latinos and Jews of this country by associating their respective oppressions with the plight of today's Muslim.

Denounce the violence, human rights violations and religious intolerance that are pervasive in Muslim nations, and watch the fear and lack of understanding of Islamophobes in America erode.

Brian Kling
Palatka, Fla.​


Regarding Junaid Afeef's "Obama Should Embrace His Muslim Heritage" (op-ed, July 3): As a Christian I wouldn't mind hearing Barack Obama positively acknowledge his father's Muslim background. It could be a very good thing, especially given Mr. Obama's exposure and international credibility. But to do so with a "can't we all get along" ethos, as Mr. Aleef seems to suggest, will be no more helpful than Islamic public relations straining to assure the world that "jihad" is not just confined to a holy war intended to kill unbelievers.

Dr. James Rueb
Moraga, Calif.​

Mega-Kudos to all of these well-educated people. They are not fooled by the well-greased Islamic PR machine.
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I haven't seen anything that leads me to believe that McCain would take any action against Iran. I think McCain, Obama, and Barr would take the same action IRT Iran, nothing! They'll all sit back, wait for Israel to take action, and then offer a tepid defense of the Israelis.

I also think that's the best action to take. Most folks in the Middle East understand that there's no way you can destroy Israel with nuclear weapons without destroying them as well. You lay waste to Israel, you lay waste to Syria, Lebanon, the Palestinian territories, Jordan, etc., and that's assuming the Israelis don't launch their own strikes in response. My guess is that the tepid support Iran is getting from their neighbors is a clear sign that their neighbors are no more comfortable with the concept of Iran with nukes than the Israelis are. And once Israel attacks Irans nuclear capabilities, all the US will need to do is offer a tepid defense to a tepid response from Iran's neighbors.