

Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by autumnstone77
Are there any socialists in Southern Maryland? :smile:
Also... What day does the season open and is there a bag limit?


New Member
So liberalism means being communist? Wrong. I feel that conservatism is much more comparable to communism than liberalism. Let's look into this. The Republican Party and its conservative mega-majority feel that government should encourage morals and endorse Christianity. In fact a standard-bearer for the local Republican Party, Mr. Joe Gass, says that the separation of church and state is not in the Constitution and thus is not legally applicable. Mr. Gass is correct in saying that the actual term is not used but it is implied when the freedom of religion is bestowed upon all Americans. Therefore the government cannot deem one religion more correct than the other and cannot allow religion to mingle in the affairs of the state. Conservatives also support censorship of pornography, critical speech of America during a "time of war," and other forms of mass communication. They also feel that Americans should not receive a fair impartial trial and instead they feel that the presumed guilty should have a hasty trial so they can fry for their sins. Detainees are guilty until presumed innocent which is so opposite of American values. These positions are alarmingly similar to Soviet decrees that oultawed all religion, censorship of all media in the country, and a rampant use of the death penalty (much like President Bush's record of capital punishment in Texas). So would one rather have liberals who whould protect one's personal freedoms or a conservative who would unjustly curb the things that make us Americans? I know where I stand, what about you?

The Finman

New Member
Originally posted by demsformd
So liberalism means being communist? Wrong. I feel that conservatism is much more comparable to communism than liberalism. Let's look into this. The Republican Party and its conservative mega-majority feel that . In fact a standard-bearer for the local Republican Party, Mr. Joe Gass, says that the separation of church and state is not in the Constitution and thus is not legally applicable. Mr. Gass is correct in saying that the actual term is not used but it is implied when the freedom of religion is bestowed upon all Americans. Therefore the government cannot deem one religion more correct than the other and cannot allow religion to mingle in the affairs of the state. Conservatives also support censorship of pornography, critical speech of America during a "time of war," and other forms of mass communication. They also feel that Americans should not receive a fair impartial trial and instead they feel that the presumed guilty should have a hasty trial so they can fry for their sins. Detainees are guilty until presumed innocent which is so opposite of American values. These positions are alarmingly similar to Soviet decrees that oultawed all religion, censorship of all media in the country, and a rampant use of the death penalty (much like President Bush's record of capital punishment in Texas). So would one rather have liberals who whould protect one's personal freedoms or a conservative who would unjustly curb the things that make us Americans? I know where I stand, what about you?

First off demsformd, I suggest that you read my post again before you go off "half cocked" and embarass yourself like you just proceeeded to do.

autumnstone77 was asking if there were any "socialists" in Southern Maryland" which suggests that he/she wished to find "socialists"...I simply pointed autumnstone77 to a bulletin board that is filled with acknowledged socialist (and communist) and somehow out of that simple recommendation, you equated socialism to liberalism.

Now then, even though socialist and liberals may share a very similar viewpoint, how you got that out of my post I will never comprehend.

Next you go on to espouse that conservatives feel that "government should encourage morals and endorse Christianity"...I'm not sure where on earth that learned such rubbish but conservatives are for a limited government (as our founding fathers intended), the ability to worship as one pleases, the abiltity to feel secure from threats both foreign and domestic and the pursuit of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

Conservatives are for protecting the common man from the ravages of an excessive government so that he/she may actually pursure (as our founding fathers intended) "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" to the fullest extent of his/ her ability .

And I don't know who the hell Mr. Joe Gass is, but he is almost as (if not more) full of crap as you are.

And as far your claim that Republicans are for censorship, again it doesn't wash as the Democrats in the house and the senate rush to endorse Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (D- S.C.) bill called the "Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Act " which if passed will prevent you (and me) from even being able to even own or build a homemade computer.

Next we have Howard Berman's (D-Calif.) bill that will allow the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) and the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) the ability to hack into your computer without impunity...I'm not joking, this bill will give them the right to hack into and disrupt your computer internet access if they think that you have an illegal file on your computer.

And you want to talk about censorship???...I suggest that you go look in the mirror as these Democrats in congress strip away your and my freedom one by one.

And then you go on to embarrass yourself further by stating "Americans should not receive a fair impartial trial and instead they feel that the presumed guilty should have a hasty trial so they can fry for their sins."

Good grief I'm not even sure what the hell you are talking about in that asinine statement.

demsformd please site for me one instance where an American has been presumed guillty and denied a trial so that he can "fry for their sins"...please, I 'm waiting with baited breath for you to cough up an example of your ridiculous statement.

Next absurd statement....

"These positions are alarmingly similar to Soviet decrees that oultawed all religion, censorship of all media in the country"

Again please site for me examples of conservatives trying to outlaw "all religion"...please, please site me one.

I've already debunked your "censorship" B.S. and proved that liberals want to restrict what you view, listen to and read...or shall I go over how liberal left wing college campuses also like restrict the free speech of anyone that is rightof their political leaning??

Leftist campuses censor free speech

Censorship rampant on campus

or maybe I should just read from the DU manefesto on censorship

We ban conservative disruptors who are opposed to the broad goals of this website. The purpose of this website is to provide a discussion forum for Democrats and other individuals from the political left. We are building an online movement to effect progressive change in our country. As a privately run website, we are not obligated to give equal time to all points of view.

That web site is the absolute pennacle of "censorship"...hell, the propaganda that they spew would even make Joseph Goebbels of Hitler's nazi party green with jealousy.

Yep...if you want to sit in a liberal "circle jerk" where you can espouse totally ridiculous socialist/liberal/communist propoganda without your brain having to be engaged by anyone who lives within the realm of any sort of normalcy, then the DU is the place for you.

I get a kick out of "We are building an online movement to effect progressive change in our country"...Hitler said almost those exact words. :bandit:

And then we come to "So would one rather have liberals who whould protect one's personal freedoms or a conservative who would unjustly curb the things that make us Americans?"

I think that I've already demostrated that Liberals only want to protect their idealism...and anytime something challenges it they do everything in their power to quash so not only are you left looking foolish by such an ignorant statement, you credibilty (much like liberlism in general) is left completey in tatters as well.

And as to your final statement..." I know where I stand, what about you?" are reduced to ignorance the likes that I hope I shall never see.

See next post...:bandit:
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The Finman

New Member
You know what?....with each passing day after 9-11, the media had no problem pressing Bush for what his plan would be. Their reporting was structured in such a way to suggest that Bush was taking too long and we should have serious doubts if he were competent enough to tackle the problem. After all, the press did remind us that Bush said this would be the focus of his administration and so far we have seen nothing from him.

Before the fires at Ground Zero were finally put out, the Taliban’s hold over Afghanistan was no more. In 9 weeks American soldiers (with assistance of England) made short work of dispatching these seasoned warriors to Allah. These were the very same warriors that chewed up and spit out the mighty Red Army. These were the same warriors that we were told would drag the bodies of dead US soldiers through the streets for the world to see. Today, our Salvation Army could mop the floor with these great warriors. Yet the media and democRATs still continues to question W and what it is we’re up to, never once offering a vote of confidence.

In January, during the State of the Union Address, President Bush states that Iraq, Iran, and North Korea are an axis of evil in the world. China, the democRATs, and most of the media (sorry for being redundant) go nuts. The Administration then must address all the questions posed by the media, handle all the uppity diplomats and foreign dignitaries while helping to install and protect a legitimate government in Afghanistan. India and Pakistan then begin to point nukes at each other. The DOJ is being called Nazis for trying to hunt down terrorists and little Tommy Dashole is blocking every judicial appointee made by the President. There was also the months of “what he knew, and when did he know it”, Enron, Global Crossing, WorldCom, et al.

Then, within the last three months, the media begins to hound Bush that the “War on Terrorism” has seemed to stall and “do you have any plans for going after Iraq?” This is while AlGore is talking trash about W and bitter over still being a loser, Terry McAuliffe is saying the most despicable things, and ARAIPOTUS is lying about how he tried to get OBL and he had a plan to get him, which he gave to Bush.

In spite of all this Bush continued with the agenda of prosecuting the war on terrorism. Now as we near an election in November, the democRATs begin the charge that Bush is politicizing the war in order to help Republicans. This is after Bush let Brent Schundler and other GOP hopefuls campaign in 2001 without the support from a President with over a 90% approval rating.

For the democRATs to even suggest that Bush is doing this for political purposes is sickening. democRATs are so arrogant that they feel their political careers are somehow more substantive, meaningful, and more important than what occurred on 9-11. They have also tried to suggest that President Reagan's passing will be staged to help in elections.

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Why do you Dems like to spin the Establishment Clause so much??? "Therefore the government cannot deem one religion more correct than the other and cannot allow religion to mingle in the affairs of the state." Where the heck does it say that? Is says that the Congress cannot establish a religion, it doesn't say that it can't support one.

"Conservatives also support censorship of pornography, critical speech of America during a "time of war," and other forms of mass communication." Who's passing any laws that are censoring speech? Who? The answer is NOBODY! Yes, the Republicans criticize people who are critical of the war, Bush, patriotism, the flag, etc., but so what. If these criticizers genuinely believe in what they say what do they care if the Republicans criticize them? Let's be honest... you Dems are getting defensive because there isn't a lot of support in America for your efforts to tear down Bush and the Republicans, so you try to paint criticism of your positions as attempts at censorship. Please come crying to me when someone actually passes a law that censors you... then I'll support you.

"They also feel that Americans should not receive a fair impartial trial and instead they feel that the presumed guilty should have a hasty trial so they can fry for their sins. Detainees are guilty until presumed innocent which is so opposite of American values." No, what they're doing is drawing a line between enemy personnel and criminals. In case you missed the news... we're at war. You don't treat the enemy like criminals, you treat them like the enemy until the war is over. If it's one year, you hold them for one year. If it's 20 years, you hold them for 20. You don't go releasing them on bail so that they can take up arms against you! Any normal-thinking person aged ten and up knows that. This is by far the stupidest case that you Democrats have tried to make, and you have no support outside of the Liberal enclaves for it.

"These positions are alarmingly similar to Soviet decrees that oultawed all religion, censorship of all media in the country, and a rampant use of the death penalty (much like President Bush's record of capital punishment in Texas). " It seems to me that the Liberals have done far, far, more to outlaw and villianize religion in this country than the Republicans could ever hope to do. And your statement that Bush rampantly used the death penalty shows just how ignorant of the facts you are. Check out Singapore or Saudi Arabia if you want to see rampant use of the death penalty.

"So would one rather have liberals who whould protect one's personal freedoms or a conservative who would unjustly curb the things that make us Americans? I know where I stand, what about you?" Excuse me while I hurl... :barf: :barf: :barf: That's better. Please tell me what personal freedom I have lost under the Republicans? I can tell you that I lost quite a few gun ownership rights under the Democrats, I've lost several freedom of religion rights under the Democrats, and we've lost plenty of national prestige and credibility under the Democrats. I think I'll stick with the Republicans.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by demsformd
These positions are alarmingly similar to Soviet decrees that oultawed all religion, censorship of all media in the country, and a rampant use of the death penalty (much like President Bush's record of capital punishment in Texas).

How does being governor have anything to do with what sentence the courts decide upon? You ever read when these guys were convicted? Most of them sit on death row for like 15 years - go ahead, check it out, check out the Texas DoJ stats. A guy gets tried for a capital case, the sentence is death, lingers on death row because of endless appeals, gets executed. And you blame Bush? What's he supposed to do, pardon every one of them? He doesn't run the courts. Blame the law, blame the judge, blame the jury - but blame the governor? What kind of logic is that?

What's more - the death penalty is the law of the land, and has majority support in this country, even under both parties. Both presidential candidates in the last election were heavily in support of the death penalty, which is why it rarely came up, except occasionally in this little tidbit, where people blame a governor for decisions made by the courts.

The Finman

New Member
Originally posted by MDindef
I don't like the cowboys.

But Fin puts up a good argument.

If it's any consolations to you MDindef, after the way the Cowgirls played yesterday...I don't either! :burning:

But thanks MDindef and Kyle!:cheers:


b*tch rocket
I'd be interested to hear Autumns pitch for Socialism and why she (maybe he) thinks it is a better way to go than Capitalism.



I too would like to hear Autumn's pitch for socialism but I don't think that it has to be, necessarily, AS OPPOSED to Capitalism. There are plenty of Capitalist societies, economically, that are culturally socialist. They are not polar opposites.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

Capitalism and Socialism can work well together...

... In sort of a Host/Parasite relationship.


Originally posted by Kyle

Capitalism and Socialism can work well together...

... In sort of a Host/Parasite relationship.

:roflmao: :roflmao:


New Member
Originally posted by jimmy
There are plenty of Capitalist societies, economically, that are culturally socialist. They are not polar opposites.

Can you give an example? I can think of countries like the UK wherein capitalism dominates their economy, but has some socialist aspects; i.e., health care, generally higher taxes than the US for social programs, and tighter government control of the media. But I wouldn't necessarily call that being "culturally socialist." Maybe it depends on your definitions. I view capitalism, ultimately, as an economic system that allows someone to rise to whatever level of success (in financial terms) that they can. Socialism is an economic system that forcibly redistributes wealth, lifting those on the bottom by penalizing those on the top. It's not clear how you map those economic systems onto a cultural system.


Well, Doc, Socialism is more than a purely economic doctrine. And, while it DOES certainly have to do with a redistribution of wealth (an economic impact to be sure), it also can mean the way in which a society and it's government (capitalist or otherwise) choose to care for their citizens.

For example, a purley Captialist society wouldn't have ANY socialized health care or government benefits or anything; we do. Therefore, our society is somewhat of a mix of both.

Canada and most of Europe are MUCH more socialized than we are and they are all still Capitalistic in nature.

I'm not proposing one over the other here, I was just cautioning Christy who seemed to be insinuating that you can either have one or the other, not allowing for elements of both.