Hacked Texas-based IT infrastructure provider SolarWinds was warned over weak password security last year, after security researcher Vinoth Kumar discovered that the company used "solarwinds123" to protect their update server.
"This could have been done by any attacker, easily," said Kumar, according to Reuters.
On Monday, SolarWinds confirmed that their flagship network management software, Orion, was the target of an international cyberespionage operation which the Washington Post pinned on government-backed Russian hackers - who inserted malicious code into Orion software updates and pushed it out to almost 18,000 customers.
Solarwinds was the Application used to back door Multiple Federal Agencies / Leading Businesses and the Military 0
"This could have been done by any attacker, easily," said Kumar, according to Reuters.
On Monday, SolarWinds confirmed that their flagship network management software, Orion, was the target of an international cyberespionage operation which the Washington Post pinned on government-backed Russian hackers - who inserted malicious code into Orion software updates and pushed it out to almost 18,000 customers.
The malicious updates - sent between March and June, when America was hunkering down to weather the first wave of coronavirus infections - was “perfect timing for a perfect storm,” said Kim Peretti, who co-chairs Atlanta-based law firm Alston & Bird’s cybersecurity preparedness and response team.
Assessing the damage would be difficult, she said.
“We may not know the true impact for many months, if not more – if not ever,” she said. -Reuters
"Solarwinds123": Hacked IT Company Used Weak Password, While Backdoor Access Peddled On Underground Forums
That's the kind of thing an idiot would have on his luggage!
Solarwinds was the Application used to back door Multiple Federal Agencies / Leading Businesses and the Military 0