Soldier's racist tweets


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
A chaplain's assistant, PVT Ashanti Gordon. Account is now shut down. Somebody needs to do a better job of recruiting.

She's not too fond of veterans either. Seems like she's not fond of many different types of people.




New Member
Only thing I can find online is at an Anti-Tea Party site. Cannot link to it because it wont open for me.


professional daydreamer
And I thought it was just my niece. She was a chaplain's assistant when she was in the navy, and she's fairly useless and disrespectful of the uniform, too. So what I'm getting here is that being a chaplain's assistant is = welfare. Go to work, do nothing all day, get a pay check.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
And I thought it was just my niece. She was a chaplain's assistant when she was in the navy, and she's fairly useless and disrespectful of the uniform, too. So what I'm getting here is that being a chaplain's assistant is = welfare. Go to work, do nothing all day, get a pay check.

I don't think it applies to all. It may apply for these 2 individuals but certainly not for the entire lot. Like any profession, the military has a lot of hard working folks along with a lot of lazy ass people that get in the way of the productive folks.

Doing nothing all day would be more an indicator of her supervisor.


New Member
Trust me... I'm sure she didn't "fall into" that particular position. I'm quite confident that when she was selecting her job, MOS, etc. that her thought process was "Where can a sista do the least amount of work and still get paid?"


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I'm lost. A little help, here? :stupid:

A few years ago a college football player was catfished. He played for Notre Dame. Lots of heads were shaking on how stupid someone could be to believe in and have a girlfriend that they never met. Lucky for him she was 'killed off' before things got too out of hand. Turns out his girlfriend was actually some dude. Which goes back to the tranny remark.

Notre Dame football player Manti Te’o speaks about the fake-dead-girlfriend scandal that has captured media imagination this month. Te’o was involved in an online relationship with Lennay Kekua, a woman who he told the public had died of leukemia but who never really existed. We still don’t know for sure what Te’o knew and when—Te’o has said that he was the victim of a hoax, which he says was masterminded by a man named Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, and that he only lied to save face—but one thing is clear: no matter how outlandish the story sounds, Te’o’s not the only person who has been involved in such a relationship and “Lennay Kekua” is not the only fake girlfriend out there. There’s even a word for fake girls like Lennay: “catfish.”

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A few years ago a college football player was catfished. He played for Notre Dame. Lots of heads were shaking on how stupid someone could be to believe in and have a girlfriend that they never met. Lucky for him she was 'killed off' before things got too out of hand. Turns out his girlfriend was actually some dude. Which goes back to the tranny remark.

See, if you'd said 'Te'o', I'd have got it. But, still, 'catfish'??? I don't get it.


A chaplain's assistant, PVT Ashanti Gordon. Account is now shut down. Somebody needs to do a better job of recruiting.

She's not too fond of veterans either. Seems like she's not fond of many different types of people.

I'm reserving judgement until I know more. There must be another side to this story.