Solomons on the BRAC List (again!)


New Member
It appears that the Navy Rec Center over in Solomons is on the BRAC list again. Isn't that the home of one of the Navy repair depots for aviation gear?


Well the union is sending this out.

Read what they say about the Solomons Annex

It is not an official list, its not even put out by anyone with any thing to do with the government. Its just some guys recomendations in his little website. So it means nothing.

I could be wrong but is there a list put out by the government somewhere? I dont think one exists yet.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
As of this time there is not a list for the next required round of BRAC. As a matter of policy, the criteria for this round won’t be finalized until 16 February 2004 with the recommendations being submitted no later than 15 May 2005. The above information was obtained from a memo from SECDEF Rumsfeld dated 15 November 2002 concerning BRAC.


New Member
Hasn't it been proven time and time again that BRAC does nothing to save the government money? I've heard that all it does is displace families and ruin the local economy around the base being closed.



It was a union rep for the federal employees union. I got it second hand.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Heretic

It was a union rep for the federal employees union. I got it second hand.

Well if it was AFGE Local 1603 here at Patuxent River I can believe that they would put out a rumor as fact. In actuality all military installations are up for consideration once the criteria is decided upon.

Anyone have any idea of how many installations there are (above the $800 million Plant Replacement Value)?

Would more than 6200 surprise anyone?


I take it your not that impressed by our union?

I like how this guy calls Solomons an "exclusive resort" I've been over quite a few times it just looks like a place to park an RV to me. How expensive can this place be to keep open anyway.

The way PAX is running out of room/building space etc I think it would be very stupid. We may have a substantial force there one day.