SOMD Employment

mrs potts

Hello, all!
After driving to DC for a few years, I have decided that I need to find a position in SOMD. My daughter is about to start public school and leaving at 5:30am in the morning to get to work isn't going to be beneficial anymore. I love my job, but the daily commute is getting too long and I feel that I am missing out on my little girl's life.

Anyone know any leads on some administrative positions in SOMD? I have strong organizational skills and a wealth of computer experience.

I checked the classified but didn't find any openings that I could apply for and any leads would be greatly appreciated!

THANKS! :howdy:


Be about it
Try the area of this site that lists the area's largest defense contractors. Also - if you see a particular contractor listing a certain position that you're not interested in, send them a resume anyway inquiring about positions that meet your qualifications. I've done that many times and it's lead to interviews or POCs for future openings.

Also, has worked for me in the past. There aren't a ton of jobs in this area listed, but you never know what'll come up. I still have my resume on there just for the heck of it, and still get inquiries here and there - some are out of my area but others are within and have been interesting opportunities.


Football season!
There is a "Technology Handbook" for Saint Marys county which gives the name of most of the local contractors as well as contact information. I believe you can get the handbook from the chamber of commerce, but not sure.


Active Member
All I can say is this: do NOT become a stunt man. You will live to regret it. My uncle has this friend and his brother is a stunt man in California or Wisconsin or somewhere out west. Anyway he worked in this movie about spies and buried treasure and they made him do this stunt where he jumped off this cliff backwards and landed in a big pile of wet cement. On the way down his head hit a brick wall and exploded his head in a million pieces. He spended about 8 years in the hospital with a coma. That movie was The Appledumpling Gang and it's one of my favorites.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by mrs potts
Anyone know any leads on some administrative positions in SOMD? I have strong organizational skills and a wealth of computer experience.
If you work for the government in the City you should be able to transfer to Patuxent River, Indianhead, Dahlgren, the Acadamey. Check their sites. The only one I have handy is Patuxent River, then go to Employment Opportunties, I'll try to find the others

mrs potts

THANKS!!! I did the online resume builder and sent it for a few open positions.

Hope I get some calls back 'cause I don't want to be a stunt 'woman'!! :cheesy: