somd fix


moved away a year ago.... i'm having somd withdrawl... found the forum and i think ya'll may help me through the tremmors. lol..... yes i am a newby. :smile: want to come home for tiki, but don't think it'll happen. wish i were a millionare.......


American Beauty
PREMO Member
:howdy: Hi Angel :smile:

What is with Maine and Maryland? You moved there and we are getting two newcomers from Maine! Why did you move?


Angel we miss you to down in Southnern Maryland.. If your not here for Tiki I am sure we will all have drink for you. Take Care.. This is BJ.
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BJ!!!! :smile: and rose :smile: well i was worried i wouldn't get a reply, being a newby to the forum and all, but.... yes please have a mai tai for me! and i don't know what's with maine and maryland, but i know for sure it seems to be here or there for many! military i suppose! that's why i'm here! :smile:


Be about it
Originally posted by Angel
well i was worried i wouldn't get a reply, being a newby to the forum and all

Never fear, MOST OF US :)biggrin:) try to always be nice to the newbies!


Originally posted by dpete2q
:howdy: I am in Maine and leaving in July to go to SOMD. How do ya like this winter eh?

hello dpete2q! :smile: i have never seem more snow in my life, and i'm glad it's melting!!!!! i guess it'd have been great had i known how to ski or something.....


Originally posted by laureng
Never fear, MOST OF US :)biggrin:) try to always be nice to the newbies!

hi laureng! :smile: thanks for the nice welcome. it may take awhile for me to get into the swing of things with the forum, but seems fun enough!